A ‘Trance’ of Love – Become a Love Magnet Using the Law of Attraction

The theory behind this, if you want to maximize the energy put into the ‘spell’ or law of attraction meditation, is to do it during the night of the full moon (10pm to midnight, or 1am). in a ‘power-saving’ time zone), but any night with a ‘waxing’ moon is good. As you may know, farmers tend to plant seeds during the waxing moon (also called the waxing moon) for better yields. To maximize the input and output of ‘energy’, the crescent moon is much better for this type of love ‘trance’ or love meditation. The best nights are Friday, Monday, Sunday or Thursday (there are ‘planetary’ reasons for this, but I won’t go into detail for the sake of simplicity).

You can turn this into a ‘full blown’ love ‘trance’, or you can keep it at the level of a law of attraction meditation to facilitate love in your life. It is up to you to choose according to what “feels” best for you.

For a complete love ‘trance’: Draw the ‘love star’ or ‘Venus star’ on the floor, big enough for you to sit on. A good alternative is to place 5 rose quartz or pink crystal stones at the 5 imaginary points of the star, with the top point facing you and facing North. If you can’t afford to buy these stones, just find 5 pebbles that you like (a good place is a pebble beach). To prepare the 5 stones or crystals or pebbles, leave them out overnight after letting them ‘sit’ under fresh running water (even cold tap water), to remove any energy they have absorbed in the past (by other people and places). .

The following is also applicable for those who wish to stay in a simple meditative love ‘trance’ following the law of attraction (to find and attract love):

Sitting in the center of the ‘love star’ (or just sitting somewhere you find relaxing), close your eyes and imagine a white light coming from the star (or from the sky) and entering you, protecting you, giving you strength, giving it your energy and your light, until this wonderful light is within you and around you.

Once you feel strong and ‘ready’, say out loud, in a confident tone (or, if you can’t say it out loud, repeat it ‘loudly’ in your mind): ‘I want to find and attract true love.’

Now with your mind go to (= imagine) a wonderful natural place at night, an environment at night (a forest, a pond, a field) where there is a bright full moon; walk along the country road (under the light of the full moon), surrounded by wonderful night flowers exuding wonderful scents. Continue walking until you find a crossroads.

At the crossroads you will see the outline of a person: that person is your true love. As you get closer to that person, you can see them better, you can almost feel them, and you start to feel that they are excited to finally meet you and that they have been waiting for you for a long time. a long time.

Spend time with your true love. Touch gently, talk lovingly, even dance together. When you are ready, let your true love give you a gift: receive this gift with full and sincere appreciation and gratitude.

The following ‘spell’ (or chant) can be said at this point (or, if you prefer, at the beginning of the mediation):

I call the power of love into my life

the past is past and only tomorrow counts

I believe in miracles, I believe in love.

With each passing moment, love grows more and more inside of me.

radiate from me, run to me,

this is my will, so be it

You can repeat the entire ‘love meditation’ or love ‘trance’ whenever you want, as long as it is during the full or waxing moon.

The Law of Attraction works well in all aspects of your life and if you apply it in the right way, it can certainly improve your love life in all aspects.

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