When the heart and love disagree

Eyes meet, palms sweat, hearts race, sparks fly, instant attraction, butterflies, loss of composure, confusion of words, and nervous laughter. Wow! True love has finally found you. Love is a truly amazing emotion. It lightens the heart and ensures that all your days are filled with pure delight. It makes you spontaneous, energizes you, and is as comforting as a summer evening breeze. You laugh at the same things and phone calls melt the heart. Being separated by minutes seems like hours because concentrating on something that does not involve the other is a wasted thought. Keeping your hands away is a monumental feat. And if someone cannot accept the program and accept the love you have found, it becomes expendable.

Then one day out of nowhere, things start to change. For some reason, love starts a fight with the same heart that it seemed to care so much about. A silly fight, you have to confess. He said that he no longer wanted to be friends with the same heart that he promised to hold on forever and would never, ever hurt. Now that same heart plays defense because it doesn’t want to give up. But how could I win when love has all the power? That thug pulled out a quick one. It snatched away all the emotions that used to feel spectacular and before the heart could make its case, it began to rip its threads like ribbons. How could he not know that those tapes were the skeleton that protected everything that was so dear to him? Then he licked his tongue as if to say don’t you dare try to impose your love again because you will have the same coming. Showing no emotion, he headed for the door as a seriously wounded heart begged him not to leave. It said, “I know things look pretty bad, but a bandage here and a little care there and I’ll be fine again. I forgive you and I’m willing to put the past in the past, so please take your hand off that doorknob. If you didn’t. ” If you want a home in me, why did you give me everything that I had lost? Love replied, “I showed up to teach you a lesson.” The heart said: “And that is?” Love said, “Stop being desperate. Because I didn’t ask for your heart, you put pressure on me.” So you actually hurt yourself.

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