Learn about the risks of liver cancer and the latest research advances

Aware of Illness and Risks:

Liver cancer, also known as hepatic cancer, begins primarily in the liver, and the most common type is hepatocellular carcinoma. Throughout the world, there are many risk factors responsible for this.

  • Cirrhosis, a condition in which liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue and the liver does not function properly, leads to liver cancer;
  • Chronic hepatitis B and C virus infection leading to cirrhosis;
  • birth defects;
  • Excessive alcohol intake.;
  • Obesity and diabetes: excess fat deposited in the liver.

In the United States, the common cause of liver cancer is hepatitis C infection.

What are the symptoms?
Signs and symptoms that are not felt until the later stages of the disease. Some of the most common symptoms are unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, enlarged liver, swelling and pain in the abdomen, itching, nausea or vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), back pain.

How to diagnose?
It can be diagnosed through a blood test, an ultrasound, imaging scans such as an MRI or CT scan, or through a biopsy. Ultrasound is the first test to use sound waves to create an image of tumors growing in the liver on a video screen. A small sample of the tumor cells is removed for a biopsy test to confirm.

Latest research advances:

With the advancement of medical technology, research continues in the treatment of liver cancer. Although surgical removal of the affected part can be an effective form of treatment, it will not work for all patients. Scientists are looking for causes and innovative treatment methods to cure it. Treatment options and recommendations depend on several factors, such as the general health of the patient, the stage of the cancer, the severity of the damage caused to the remaining areas of the liver, etc. The following research areas may include advanced new options for patients through clinical trials.

brachytherapy – In this advanced method, catheters are placed directly into the tumor and deliver a high dose of radiation to the tumor, where the radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissue will be reduced and will not create any damage.

Advances in chemotherapy – Newer therapies are aimed only at killing specific cancer cells. Instead of giving chemotherapy alone, it is given along with a combination therapy that can shrink a tumor so that doctors can safely perform surgery.

ablation techniques – Instead of removing the tumor, this ablation therapy kills it with hot or cold energy.

Liver transplant – This is an effective treatment where surgery is performed to replace a diseased liver with a healthier one from a donor.

Can this disease be prevented? – Obviously it can be prevented. The most important risk factor for this is chronic infection with the HBV and HCV viruses, which can be spread by sharing contaminated needles and also by having unprotected sex. Excessive alcohol consumption is also one of the main causes. You can lower your risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, weight control, and a healthy diet. It is also important to avoid infection with hepatitis viruses.

Raise awareness to prevent:
Liver cancer is treatable and sometimes even curable when caught early. Therefore, it is important to know the risk factors and also the latest treatment options. Organize an awareness campaign in your community so that people understand about the disease, the importance of early diagnosis and the preventive measures to adopt. To increase exposure and awareness, support your campaign with some awareness giveaways. Although there are many products available in the market, the use of personalized items such as silicone bracelets with an awareness message will be of great help. You will get these in different colors, fonts, sizes, and styles, and people love to wear these stylish and trendy accessories on a daily basis.

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