How to generate customers online WITHIN 24 HOURS

This article will review my RAPID lead generation strategy. This method works with almost any business, including:


-Insurance agents



-Dog trainer



If people search for your product or service online, this strategy will work for you.

I have been generating leads online for the last 5 years and I am so passionate about this type of lead generation that I flew to Miami Florida to take a refresher course on strategy.

You can make your phone ring within 24 hours by starting a Google AdWords campaign. All you need is a Gmail account to get started. By using AdWords, you can put your website at the top of the searches your customers make to find the product or service you offer. In my experience, the time it takes to get a page in the first result on Google can take anywhere from 6 months to even YEARS, depending on how competitive the term is.

Here’s why I love Google AdWords, you have control over:

-What your customers type to find you (example: if you are a plumber, you can limit your search results to “commercial plumbing” or “water heater repair”)

-Where your customers are (example: you can limit prospect clicks within 10 miles of your zip code)

-What time do you want your phone to ring (example: you can automate your campaign so that it is activated ONLY between 9 a.m. and 5 a.m. from Monday to Friday)

-How much you spend. You can adjust your settings to spend a maximum of 50 cents per click and up to $ 50 per day.

For this to work, you will need a website with a landing page specifically geared towards your target customer. The more specific, the more successful your campaign will be. You can create a campaign in 15-20 minutes and have your phone ringing in a couple of hours if you know what you are doing.

Google AdWords has worked for me and I know it can work for you as long as you run your campaign correctly. Many people start campaigns and waste money because they do not implement the basic tools available in their account.

The keyword planner is one of the most basic ways to build a quality negative keyword list, saving you wasted clicks from queries that are not related to your campaign. This is something you must constantly revisit as you learn what kinds of visitors are typing to find you.

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