Calnestor Knowledge Solutions Private Limited and Calnestor Knowledge Solutions Private Limited

Calnestor Knowledge Solutions Private

Calnestor Knowledge solution Private Limited is a company incorporated with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on 30 August 2016. The company is a Pvt. Limited Company and has a registered office at 236, BHUPATI MUKHERJEE LANE, DEBI PARK HOOGHLY, WB. Its NIC code is U74999WB2016PTC217357. Its business activities are listed below.

CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a company based in Hooghly, West Bengal. It was incorporated on 30/8/2016 and is registered at KOLKATA. It is a Non-government company with an authorized share capital of 1 million and a paid-up capital of 600,000. The company was incorporated with a SIC code of 749999.

CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company with its registered office in Hooghly, West Bengal. The CIN number of this company is 217357. The company has 4 directors. It is a Non-govt organization and its business activity is categorized as Business Services. This non-government organization has an authorized share capital of one million and a paid-up capital of six hundred thousand.

The CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company was incorporated on 30/08/2016. It has its registered office in Hooghly, West Bengal. The LICENSE STANDARD IS U74999WB2016PTC217357. The company is a Non-govt organization. Its SIC code is 74999. Its a private limited company with 4 directors.

Calnestor Knowledge Solutions Private Limited and Calnestor Knowledge Solutions Private Limited

CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a West Bengal based company that was incorporated on 30/08/2016. Its office address is 236, Bhupati Mukherjee Lane, Debi Park, Hooghly, WB 700010. The LICENSE TYPE OF CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED: Located in Hooghly, CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLS has 4 directors. The LICENSE STANDARDS

CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was incorporated on 30/08/2016 in Hooghly, WB. The company is a Non-govt, non-stock and private limited company. The CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLTEADERSPRV LTD.’s CIN number is U74999WB2016PTC217357. The LICENSEST PRODUCTIVES’S RATING: DOWNLOADABLE:

CALNESTOR KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a private company based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The company is a member of the Business Support Services Industry. Its total employees are 26 across its three locations. The principal and contact counts are estimates and may differ from actual D&B Hoovers. This is a business that offers IT services to companies and is headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

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