MLM Sponsorship: Are You Irresistible?

MLM sponsorship is all about making yourself irresistible

With millions of network marketers worldwide and the industry growing by 150,000 new distributors every week, how can you make your mlm sponsorship more effective? The answer is simple… “Make yourself irresistible.”

You may ask how you become irresistible, and that answer is pretty simple too… Look at what everyone else in the network marketing industry is doing and do the complete opposite.

I know it may be contradictory to what you’ve been taught, so just be honest with me for a second…

MLM Sponsorship: Factors To Become Irresistible

If you’re still reading, I want to say “Congratulations”! I congratulate you because I know that if you understand what I am about to share with you about MLM sponsoring (and more importantly, implement it), I guarantee that you will start sponsoring new distributors effortlessly.

There are certain factors that are essential for you to become irresistible to your prospects, and they are intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are things that have to happen inside of you and extrinsic factors are things you can do in the physical world to create a situation where prospects are magnetically attracted to you, which is normal.

MLM Sponsoring – What Are These Intrinsic And Extrinsic Factors?

I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I tend to go on a long way when I talk about mlm sponsoring because it’s the most important skill set to have in network marketing and I’m very passionate about it. You can know all the product knowledge, know the compensation plan inside out, know all the SEO tricks or whatever, but if you don’t develop these factors, you’re building on sand.

Intrinsic Factors: Remember, these things have to happen inside of you.

#1 Be a person with vision: Not where you are going and you will get there much faster. Most people don’t know where life is going, that’s why people are willing to follow someone with a clear vision. “See the end from the beginning!”

#2 Be a Passionate Person: Passion alone is magnetic! Believe in your message, product or service and take it forward.

#3 Be a fearless leader: Lead by example and understand that FEAR is not real. Fear is the main thing that prevents people from being successful in mlm sponsoring. FEAR is just false evidence that seems real! “Remember that courage is not taking action in the absence of FEAR Courage is the ability to take action even in the presence of FEAR”

#4 Be a teacher and trainer: take everything you learn from research, mentoring and experience; synthesize that information and pour it into others to help them shorten their learning curves. “If you can do something, you can teach something!”

“You don’t have to be a ‘GURU’ to teach. You just have to be 1 chapter ahead of the rest of the class.”

#5 Be clear: know who you are serving, because it is about service and added value. Most importantly, you must be very clear about who you are and who you want to be who you are serving.

#6 Practice relentlessly – Mastery is key and they say it takes 10,000 hours to master a particular area. Have the mindset that the job is never done. You don’t have to be perfect, but always strive for excellence. The best athletes and artists are those who stay up late and wake up earlier mastering their craft. So if you want to master the art of MLM sponsoring, you have to practice relentlessly.

#7 Become a Marketing Expert – This is very important because 97% of network marketers, unfortunately, don’t know anything about marketing. Most companies train their distributors to recruit their warm market (friends and family), and when they’re done, they get discouraged and quit due to rejection and a lack of knowledge on how to effectively talk to new people about their business.

#8 The traditional mlm sponsorship method has worked in the past and still works, but if you can teach your team how to generate quality leads online and offline, through pull marketing, that puts you in a own league.

#9 Know the numbers – This is part of the process of becoming a marketing expert. If you understand the Law of Averages and keep track of your marketing, you can be more scientific in telling your team what they need to do to get certain results.

Quick Example: “Out of 10 people you show the Plan, 3 are interested and 1 actually makes the investment.” Now you and your team can set more actionable goals.

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