In search of safe dog food: dog lovers should look for an alternative to harmful and disgusting dog food

Most of us love our dogs and want to feed them safe dog food. We love our pets and happily accept the serious responsibility of caring for them. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners are unknowingly killing their pets. Bad dog food is common and any pet owner should look for an alternative to the products available on the market.

We mistakenly assume that the food we find in supermarkets, department stores, and pet stores is safe. Dog food, in general, is actually a disgusting, unhealthy mix of absolutely awful ingredients, peppered with carcinogenic additives.

Did you know that millions and thousands of dollars worth of dead animal carcasses are ground up in the dog food supply each year? That bag of dog food in your pantry may very well contain the processed meat from road kills, euthanized pets, and other dead animals. Your dog is not eating a healthy mix of high quality ingredients, he is actually consuming the carcasses of diseased animals.

That’s just the beginning. What you might have thought was safe food can also contain numerous poisons. Researchers have found measurable amounts of the poisons used to put the aforementioned animals to “sleep” in commercial dog food products. Dog food companies also use a wild mix of chemicals and additives, many of which have been banned from the human food supply because they are known to promote death and disease.

There are dangerous chemicals, plastics, inorganic waste, animal feces, fillers, fake proteins, and more in commercial dog foods. However, most well-meaning pet owners don’t realize they’re not using safe dog food. They mistakenly assume that the products are sufficiently regulated and that they are created by companies that are entirely dedicated to the health of the loving dogs that consume them.

As a result, we are noticing shorter lives and higher incidences of illness in our dogs. The food they depend on is killing them.

This creates an urgent need for all pet owners who are aware of the disgusting dog food manufacturing process to find an alternative to bad dog food. A highly recommended alternative to commercial products is the use of homemade food. Recipes are available that can help responsible dog owners provide their beloved pets with easy-to-prepare, affordable, and safe dog food.

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