How to fix Windows error 1309

Error 1309 will be an issue with your PC permissions and how your computer will not be able to properly process a number of important files that will allow it to run. The error will show up when you are using Call Of Duty and other important applications on your system. The error is basically the result of a number of important files getting damaged or corrupted, preventing your PC from being able to access the files and settings that will allow it to operate. To fix this, we strongly recommend that you first make sure that you can reinstall any software that is causing problems, and then that Windows is working properly as well.

The 1309 error will normally display in this format:

  • Error 1309. Error reading from Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.

The basis of the error is that Windows will not be able to process the files and options that are required to help your PC run a particular game/installation. The error can appear on many PCs and should be resolved by following the steps on this page.

How to fix error 1309

Step 1 – Reinstall any software causing problems

The first thing to do is reinstall whatever program is causing errors. This is very easy to do (even for a beginner!) – just click Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and then get rid of the software that is causing the errors. Not only will this ensure that your PC can read the programs you are using, but it will also ensure that none of your files are out of date or corrupted.

Step 2: Clean any registry errors

The most important step in fixing these problems is to remove the “registry” errors that you will have on your PC. The registry is basically what Windows uses to help make sure your computer can recover settings, including your desktop wallpapers, your most recent emails, and even your passwords. Although the registry is used by all the software on your PC, it continually gets damaged and corrupted, leading to a host of problems. To fix this problem, it is recommended that you use a registry cleaning tool to scan through your system and repair any of the corrupted registry errors that your system may have inside.

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