How I Lost 149 Pounds Safely In 6 Months And Why It Hasn’t Came Back

People often can’t believe I used to be 346 pounds, because looking at me now, a skinny guy, they can’t see how that’s possible. What’s more, they can’t believe that it was only 12 months ago when he weighed 346 lbs. Once the shock has passed, they wonder how safe it is to lose half my body weight in 8 months. ‘Really sure,’ I tell them. I did my research.

Weight loss can be really dangerous and people know it. So when I finally decided enough was enough and I was going to lose the weight once and for all, I knew I had to be very careful because I certainly didn’t want to do more harm than good. The other main point I had was that I didn’t want a diet that would allow me to lose weight in the short term, but over time that fat would come back.

Most crash diets work by eliminating some food groups, which causes a big drop in calorie intake. So your body adapts. It notices that you’re eating fewer calories, so it does the sensible thing: it starts burning fewer calories. Fearing she’ll starve herself to death (her body doesn’t know any better!), she decides to convert as many calories as possible into fat.

I searched for a better way. I wanted to find continued safe weight loss while continuing to consume an entire food group. What I found was called calorie shifting. What this does is rotate your diet so that you eat all the food groups. The result is that your body loses weight without even realizing that you are on a diet. Because of this, it doesn’t convert as many calories to fat as it can, and you lose weight!

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