Herbalife – The story of Mark Hughes and Herbalife

Herbalife began as a young man’s dream more than 29 years ago. Mark Hughes was only 18 years old when his mother, Joan, died of an accidental overdose of prescription weight-loss drugs.

Being a part-time model and actress in Los Angeles, Joan struggled with her weight for many years and found a convenient and effective method of weight loss as a working single mother in the late 1970s with few alternatives besides the diet pills. Diet drugs are highly addictive, have terrible side effects and make it hard to sleep, so Joan also took sleeping pills and sadly overdosed and died.

This event and Mark Hughes’ life situation impacted him so deeply that Mark decided he would make a difference in the world by finding a safe and effective alternative to the drugs and diet pills that had killed his mother.

Mark was interested in nutrition and particularly Chinese herbs. He studied these herbs and traveled to all parts of China talking to Chinese herbal doctors and discovered first hand the incredible health benefits these herbs have on the human body. The Chinese brand discovered that he had been using these herbs for thousands of years as his medicine.

Despite having no medical background, never finishing high school, no business background and no money, Mark managed to find someone who would listen to his idea and with their help and support and 1 year of testing and refining together they form “Formula 1”. A meal replacement made with soy protein, vitamins, and herbs. Mark wanted to help people lose weight by replacing 2 meals a day with this formula, thereby reducing calories while getting 100% of all the nutrition cells needed for optimal health. And “Cellular Nutrition” was born.

In February 1980, at age 23, Mark landed his first customer with the product, his grandmother Mimi, who lost 20 pounds and introduced 20 of her friends.

Word quickly spread that people were not only losing weight with this product, but because their systems were being cleansed of the herbs, they began to look younger, had more energy, normalized blood pressure and they produced many other health benefits, and by the end of its first year, Herbalife had sold more than $2 million.

Now armed with loads of incredible health AND income testimonials, the company grew rapidly.
In 1981 US$10 million
In 1982 US$52 million
In 1983 US$148 million
In 1984, Herbalife earned $402 million, making it the fastest growing company in US business history, breaking all kinds of records and achieving remarkable things due to three very important factors.

1) The product. Mark decided from the beginning that Herbalife products would be made with the latest in science, technology and medical discoveries and that no amount of time, effort or cost would diminish from that #1 purpose. The products would be the best form of food for the human body that money could buy. Combining 6,000+ year old Chinese herbal wisdom with Western nutritional technology and making it consumable, easy to prepare and tasty was certainly a tall order, but Mark Hughes and the team of doctors and scientists pulled it off.

Today, the Herbalife product range includes weight management, targeted nutrition, external nutrition and personal care. All made with natural herbal ingredients and designed to cleanse and nourish the body’s cells for maximum health results.

2) Personal training. Mark realized the need for a “personalized” approach to weight loss. He knew that selling the products in a supermarket would decrease their effectiveness, so Mark decided that the best way to “change the world” was with multi-level marketing. Through MLM, the consumer will not only get the best products, but they will also get the best service by having an Herbalife Distributor as their personal trainer to help them.

3) The Compensation Plan. Mark realized that for his dream of “making the world healthier” to come true, he would need a highly motivated team of distributors, so Mark created the compensation plan to beat everyone else.

1ยบ The Compensation Plan pays a maximum of 50% on all sales. From high school students to moms to taxi drivers to even your family doctor, making sales means helping someone improve their health and thereby adding an extra couple hundred or thousand dollars to your monthly income.

2. Rewards distributors who have grown an organization to help with the ‘Dream’. From 1 distributor to 100,000, you will be paid fairly on your entire team, including wholesale commissions up to 25%, royalties 15% and infinity bonuses up to 7%, vacations and worldwide sales bonuses amounting to 1% of annual turnover. In total, Herbalife pays 73% of all product sales to its distributor base, making it the highest paid and fairest compensation plan in the industry.

Today the records speak for themselves. 29 years in business, 70 countries, $3.8 billion in 2008, New York Stock Exchange listing, Nobel Prize-winning scientists, UCLA medical advisory board, over 100 million RECORDED testimonials, the Foundation for the Herbalife Family supporting at-risk children around the world and iconic sports sponsorship deals, including the LA Galaxy and David Beckham, are just a few of the achievements. But the most amazing thing is that Herbalife is officially the “Number 1 Weight Loss Company in the World”.

It is true that ‘One man can make a difference!’ Mark Hughes has proven that anyone with a dream and the determination to make it come true can change the world for the better.

If you like the sound of this company and are interested in learning more, click here… Herbalife

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