Gaviscon uses – Pros and Cons of Gaviscon

Gaviscon uses

Gaviscon uses the natural ability of herbs to neutralize stomach acids, and this in turn prevents the gastric contents from backing up into the esophagus. This in turn, relieves the symptoms of both heartburn and indigestion. Gaviscon is considered as one of the most effective and safest drugs available to fight heartburn and indigestion. It has a remarkable ability to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, which is the barrier between the esophagus and stomach. Sodium alginate that is contained in this product neutralizes gastric acid, so that it can easily go back into the esophagus.

Gaviscon suppliers

In addition, gaviscon is able to strengthen the LES, or lower esophageal sphincter. With regards to the LES, gastric acid backs up into the esophagus when the LES is weakened. The use of gaviscon allows the LES to remain closed, thereby eliminating the risk of acid back up into the esophagus. As a result, acid reflux is prevented. There are two different forms of sodium alginate, and each of them has a different effect on the functioning of the LES.

The alpha-salt form of gaviscon contains three sodium salts. One of the salts is alpha-sodonylmethane, which helps relieve heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing stomach acid. The second salt of alpha-salt is also alpha-sodimethane. This compound helps to reduce inflammation caused by heartburn and indigestion. The third salt of alpha-salt is called alpha-sulfated alpha-sodimethane and is useful in strengthening the LES. Furthermore, it decreases the reflux of stomach acid.

Pros and Cons of Gaviscon

The second type of gaviscon contains magnesium bicarbonate. It can effectively relieve heartburn and indigestion by reducing the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach. Moreover, magnesium bicarbonate is effective in restoring the acidic pH of the stomach, which helps reduce the production of gastric acid. The third type of sodium bicarbonate is called hydrochloric bicarbonate, and this is particularly useful for people who frequently suffer from heartburn and indigestion.

Boric acid is also a potential ingredient in gaviscon. This substance neutralizes the acid produced in the stomach by the lower oesophageal sphincter. Although it is believed that gaviscon reduces heartburn and indigestion, it is not clear how the compound affects the functionality of the LES. However, many patients have noticed that once they discontinue the use of gaviscon, the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion return.

For these reasons, gaviscon may be used to treat heartburn and indigestion, but its true potential for treating chronic conditions has not been fully explored. More studies are needed to determine whether gaviscon is an effective alternative to traditional medications. While it is effective in alleviating symptoms, there are some limitations to its use in the treatment of acid reflux and other stomach disorders.

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