Cottage Cheese Diets: Why the 3-Day Cottage Cheese Grapefruit Diet Might Be the Answer You Need

If you just want to lose weight for a special event and don’t mind long-term weight loss, the 3-Day Grapefruit Cottage Cheese Diet may be for you. That said, if you have long-term weight loss goals, you probably want to avoid them.

The best thing about this diet is that you can lose up to 10 pounds in 72 hours. The bad news is that you will almost certainly regain all the weight immediately after you go off the diet. It would also be very unhealthy to follow this diet long-term, as you would end up malnourished, tired, and susceptible to disease because your immune system will have been compromised.

But there is nothing wrong with trying in the short term. If you want to go to a high school reunion or look great for a friend’s wedding, it may work well for you. Just be careful with that.

The 3-Day Grapefruit Cottage Cheese Diet helps you shed excess water, reduce bloating, and burn some fat through reduced calorie intake. It’s the drastically lower calories that will cause you to regain weight when you’re done, because your body’s natural reaction will be to pack on fat when you start eating regularly again.

An important note here: you should avoid this diet if you are taking any type of antidepressant or anxiolytic medication. Both types of medications can have a negative and dangerous interaction with grapefruit.

The key is to follow the diet to the letter. Any substitution will mean that all your efforts have been in vain!

Day 1:

Breakfast: A cup of coffee or black tea and a piece of toast; eat half a grapefruit or drink a glass of grapefruit juice.

Lunch: Have a full serving of cottage cheese, a piece of toast, and coffee or black tea.

Dinner: Eat three ounces of any lean meat, a cup of carrots, a cup of ice cream or frozen yogurt, an apple, and a cup of tea or black coffee.

Day 2:

Breakfast: A cup of coffee or black tea and a piece of toast; eat half a grapefruit or drink a glass of grapefruit juice.

Lunch: A full serving of cottage cheese, five crackers, and a cup of black coffee or tea.

Dinner: Two hot dogs, half a cup of carrots, a cup of broccoli, a banana, and a cup of black coffee or tea.

Day 3:

Breakfast: Black coffee or tea, five crackers, an ounce of cheddar cheese, and an apple.

Lunch: A boiled egg, a piece of toast and a cup of tea or black coffee.

Dinner: A serving of cottage cheese, a cup of carrots, a cup of cantaloupe, a half cup of ice cream or frozen yogurt, and a cup of coffee or black tea.

So there it is. Hot dogs, crackers and everything. But before you get started on the 3-day cottage cheese and grapefruit diet, ask yourself: Is it really worth the few pounds of water weight you can lose in exchange for feeling hungry, grumpy, and miserable?

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