8 ways to find your lost pet

Losing a pet is like losing a loved one. Pets cannot tell you where they are. If they belong to a pure breed, it is likely that they could be kidnapped or held by the seekers.

As an online pet recovery specialist in Singapore, I help pet owners find their lost pets using the internet platform to reach out to pet lovers. With hundreds of more attentive eyes, the chance of finding your lost pets is greater.

Here are some ways to find your lost pets:

1. Perform a physical search. They could be hidden in bushes, fields, or drains. Cats usually don’t go very far.

2. Distribute flyers in the neighborhood. Post the posters in public places where there is a lot of human traffic. Pass it on to the security guards at the condos. Stick it on bulletin boards in shopping centers, sports centers and schools. Most of the lost pets were found through the brochures.

3. Contact animal shelters like SPCA. Send them a photo. When a person encounters a stray dog, they are likely to contact the SPCA.

4. Post your ad on pet forums. There are “lost and found” sections on all online pet forums.

5. Post in the “lost and found” section of online classified ad portals and lifestyle forums. Craigslist is one of the best sites as search engines quickly index the information. For a better search, in the title or heading of the subject, mention the race and the last place it appears. Offer a reward as an incentive.

6. Post your ad in pet groups on Facebook.

7. Scan the newspaper every day to see if anyone reports a found pet. Look in the “Found” section of the classifieds column. Any search engine can publish a found pet at no cost. In Singapore, the SPCA publishes it for 3 consecutive days and there is no response, the pet is likely to fall asleep.

8. Enlist the services of a pet detective or pet recovery specialist. This will save you time. They are the experts. So they know what is the best way to do it. They have their network of contacts. They know where the websites are to post the notice. They know how animals behave and where they are likely to be.

Do it early. Do not delay. In my personal experience, most of the pets were found within the first week. Following the steps above will increase your chances of getting your lost pet back.

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