7 beauty tips for acne-prone skin

Acne. Boy do I hate it. Those pimples that appeared all over my face in my teens. Even now, I break out when I’m stressed or using the wrong skincare product. I have been to many doctors who can clear up my acne, until the next breakout.

Part of the reason is oily skin. Oily skin that traps dirt and pore-clogging skin debris make skin pores an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. The bacteria multiply and that’s it. You have acne.

Not everything is lost. If you have oily skin that is prone to acne, here are 7 beauty tips to help you keep pimples away.

1. Keep your HANDS away from your face.

Your hands, after touching so many things, opening the door, picking up a bag, things we do every day, are covered in bacteria. The last thing you want is to put that bacteria on your face. Touch your face often with your hands, or even worse, remove those pimples with your fingers and you will see that the pimples multiply.

2. Keep your HAIR out of your face.

If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Brushing oily hair against the face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat, and skin are debris that is a great way to clog the pores in your skin, leading to more pimples. If you notice breakouts appearing on your forehead, or on your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might rub against each other, your hair could be to blame. Wear a hair band, use hair clips to keep your hair out of your face, tie it in a ponytail, or have your hair cut short.

3. Wash your face 3 times a day with a good acne cleanser.

I got that advice from a doctor. I washed my face when I woke up, at lunchtime, and at bedtime with an acne cleanser. My skin cleared up when i followed the routine and used only skin care products that are meant for acne skin. A bar of soap meant for washing your face works just as well.

4. Stick to acne skin care

Every time I deviate from that point, I end up with a huge acne breakout. Forever. Whenever I see my friends with exceptionally glowing skin, I want to wear whatever they wear. I would switch to richer, anti-aging skin care as a preventative measure, concerned about wrinkles developing as I age. That fails every time. I end up with more grains. Use good acne skin care products [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/acne.htm].

5. Relax

Did you notice how pimples tend to appear more before a stressful event? exams On a big date. In presentation. Stress wreaks havoc on your skin. Ok, so pimples can also appear due to hormonal imbalances, like right before your period.

6. Sleep

Your skin heals itself when you sleep. Your entire body heals itself while you sleep. A sleepless night can lead to more pimples. Get used to leaving your worries behind and getting a good night’s sleep. Exercise earlier in the day. Get some exercise before night. Help.

7. Stay away from compact compact powder.

Yes. You heard me right. I got this advice from a friend. Her friend used a compact powder to hide her acne. Instead, the more she used it, the worse she got. She just thinks. At noon, your skin becomes oily. Take out the compact powder and use that puff to apply compact powder to the face. Now, your face would already have dirt, bacteria, and oil on it. Pat yourself on the face with that dust puff and now that puff picks up dirt, bacteria and oil. You put it back in the compact. The bacteria reproduce happily there. Then you take out the compact again and apply more powder, mixed with oil and dirt and bacteria to your face, picking up more dirt, putting more dirt in the compact. The cycle continues. A better bet would be to use blotting paper to remove excess oil. You can then throw away the paper after using it. Use blotting paper intended for your face like the ones found in [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/blotting%20paper.htm]

About this powder puff thing, make sure you wash your powder puff and all your makeup brushes regularly, with soap and water. Then dry them completely before storing. I guess that would make it an eighth tip, right?

Oily acne-prone skin needs a lot of care. The plus side is that oily skin takes longer to show signs of aging than dry skin. Take care of your skin, and you’ll probably look younger than your peers as the decades roll on.

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