Who knew about Cranium Whoonu game?

Cranium Whoonu Game is based on the concept of guessing. You are supposed to guess things about the other players you are playing with.

Of course, this is all based on an element of trust so that a player doesn’t change the answer they have typed. This is why, instead of just keeping the answers in their heads, players have to write things down.

The name of this game “Whoonu” is simply a variation of the words “Who knew?” This is the general concept behind this game. The idea that even though you’ve known someone for a long time (like your best friend, brother, mother, etc.) you’ll be surprised to discover some information about their likes and dislikes.

You earn points based on how accurately you guessed an individual’s preferences. Sometimes this turns into a heated debate, as people are shocked by their friends’ preferences they had no idea about.

A statement like “I had no idea you liked this or that…” is very common to hear while playing this game.

Cranium Whoonu Game takes about twenty minutes to complete a game round. In my opinion, this is a pretty short game, especially when compared to a longer game like Monopoly (which can go on for hours). However, the game is not completely free for all guessing.

It provides a card-based structure and game board to give you a basis on which to choose your guesses over your opponents.

One issue I had while playing Cranium Whoonu Game is the fact that it is basically impossible to play this board game with just two people by following the rules that come with the game. Obviously changing the rules (such as drawing four cards face down) is an option available to us if you wanted to play the game with two people, however why would you want to do that?

I think that with two people this game can be entertaining, however the real fun starts when you have a crowd.

However, in such a guessing game, one aspect that I have noticed when playing the Cranium Whoonu Game with my family and friends is that it doesn’t matter if you know someone for ten minutes or if you have known someone for a lifetime.

By playing this game, you will always be able to discover something new about the person you are playing with. Isn’t that something exciting? I think it’s very exciting to be able to discover new facts about people you think you know everything about.

Even while playing this game with my wife, I discovered that she loves kung-fu movies (something I have never known or heard of before!) What better way to bring your family and friends together than sitting down on a beautiful quiet night to get to know each other in the funniest and funniest way possible?

The most important aspect of Cranium Whoonu Game is the sense of connection that you develop with the other players.

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