What are your resolutions for the new year?

Did you enjoy the holidays? Did you catch up with family and friends? Are you full to bursting after eating rich foods, chocolate, cookies, turkey, ham, or eggnog? Are you afraid to step on the scale for fear that your weight has expanded by an extra eight or nine pounds? Don’t worry! Everyone feels like this after the holidays! Or, are you looking forward to some alone time to curl up on the couch with the novel you got on December 25? What are you going to do differently this year?

Now that Christmas is over, have you thought about what you want to do in the New Year? Have you made a list of New Year’s resolutions? It’s always best to write them down and put them in a place where you can see them every day. What!? Is it too soon to consider your New Year’s Resolutions, you say? I do not agree. Please keep reading.

You start each year with the best of intentions when you write your New Year’s resolutions. You may decide to lose a few pounds, earn some extra money to pay off your credit cards, or save some money to go on vacation. You can change your vocation and go back to school or rise through the ranks of your corporation. Regardless, the common denominator is that you want to be happy.

Do you have friends and family who care for you and want you to be happy? I am fortunate to be blessed with family, friends, and colleagues who know that I am an avid reader. One of my friends discovered this book on Amazon and told me to look into it.

The book is NeuroWisdom: What’s New The brain science of money, happiness and success – written by Mark Robert Waldman (Author), Chris Manning, PhD (Author).

This is a brief description of the book from amazon.com:

“Adapted from a business school course they created for professionals, bestselling author Mark Waldman and Chris Manning present simple brain exercises, based on the latest research in neuroscience, to guide readers to get better at everything they do. areas of life, from work to home, from how we think to how we feel.

His promise is to help people create more “wealth” in their lives, defined as the combination of money, happiness and success. Using the latest research studied by two experts in their field, the book presents both the scientific basis and sets of “NeuroWisdom” exercises that will help people reduce neurological stress and increase happiness, motivation, and productivity. The “worry” centers of the brain turn off and the optimism circuits turn on. Work becomes more enjoyable and creativity increases, allowing the brain to anticipate and solve problems more efficiently.

From the latest in brain science to real-world solutions, these exercises help readers gain the wisdom that leads to greater satisfaction.”ยน

Don’t you think it’s the perfect book to read and start the year off right? Don’t you owe it to yourself to get the most up-to-date information that will allow you to reach your goals in the shortest possible time? So you would not share this information with your children? Read it and teach your children what you have learned. Teach them from a young age how their brain works with regards to success, happiness and prosperity. Lay the foundation for them to have a wonderful life. After all, this is not what all parents want for their children. Pass this knowledge on to everyone you know and ask them to do the same.

This year is going to be amazing! May you find happiness in everything you do!

1. NeuroWisdom: The New Brain Science of Money. Happiness and Success by Mark Robert Waldman and Chris Manning PhD, Jan 31, 2017

https://www.amazon.com/NeuroWisdom-Brain-Science-Happiness-Success/dp/1682303055/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483492616&sr=8-1&keywords=neurowisdom+the+new+brain+science+of+money +happiness+and+success

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