Three red lights error on Xbox 360: how to fix it?

The Xbox 360 console is the second edition from Microsoft Corporation and it has some unique features that no other console on the market has. The Xbox 360 is an improved version of the previous one in terms of its hardware aspect and design. Also, the console was sold at a very affordable price, so many game lovers will tend to go for it. These driving factors made the console the biggest hit in the market surpassing all other consoles available.


The console sold very well all over the world and had a good response. But, later, when users used the console, it started giving some problems. Users complain that the console heats up very quickly and also reboots the entire system suddenly when they play the console for long hours. These problems are indicated by three red lights in the area of ​​the power ring. These lights are used to report the status of the console. The lights may glow red and green and these indications depend on the condition of the console. If it works well, the green light shines. If not, then the red light shines and also how many red lights shine depends on the problem. For each and every bug, the red lights vary, and the bugs are named for the number of lights that glow. The error that now occurs frequently is the error of the three red lights.


The error with the three red lights is an error that can occur either due to a failure in one of the processors or it can even occur due to the failure of an electronic component on the console’s motherboard. So, to find the real issue behind the three red lights error, Microsoft investigated the faulty consoles and found that console overheating had only caused this error. When playing games for long hours, the console overheats, and as a result, the internal temperature inside the console rises, affecting the performance of all electronic components. Although an internal intercooler fan is provided, the console cannot cool the internal hot air developed. Thus, the excess heat affects the graphics processing unit and as a result restarts the console. That is the reason why users reboot the system in the middle of the operation.


The three red lights error can be resolved now that we know the problem behind this console issue. To provide cooling, we can adopt many methods, such as adding an additional intercooler fan to the cooling heat sinks or reconfiguring the console motherboard so that ample airflow from the environment cools the processor. But, the simplest method that is widely practiced is the removal of the X-clamps. The X-clamps are what are used to hold the heat sinks to the motherboard. Now instead, the heat sinks are attached directly to the motherboard. Therefore, air from the external environment can flow through the fans and cool the processor from below. This repair method is very inexpensive and saves time compared to other methods.

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