The power of the SEXY mind

Remember the Rod Stewart song, “If you think I’m hot and you want my body, come on baby, let it show.” I know you’re probably singing right now, right? Admit it, Rod Stewart was the king of sexy in his day. But I’m not here to ponder retired rock legends old enough to be my father, I’m here to address the SEXY woman…YOU. You may not realize it, but you are. It is part of our makeup. If you were to line up twenty different men, each would have a different idea of ​​what sexy means to them. We cannot change ourselves to suit your desires, but we can change your mind, which will influence your desire. So, to get you ready for Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share some cool mind moves to cheer you up. Sexy starts in the mind, which means any woman can create SEXY if she knows how to use her mind.

Being sexy is not as difficult as it seems. It doesn’t require a purchase from Victoria’s Secret that promises to make you look 18 again. These 5 HOT tips will ROCK YOUR WORLD. If you apply these essential tips to your life and mind, SEXINESS will surely be yours! And then watch out WORLD!

S – Self-awareness
When you take the time to learn as much as you can about yourself, you allow others to accept you as well. Self-awareness requires that you look inwardly at the choices you make in your life and understand their rationale. Confidence comes from believing in yourself and your choices. How many people do you know who are constantly looking for the flaw in every situation, or the flaw in every person? How does that affect your relationship with them? Are you attracted or repelled? She is a brave woman who knows who she is and is willing to accept others for who they are. The goal is to achieve your own awareness of it before trying to understand others. This will create a SEXY foundation for all of your relationships… starting with your relationship with yourself.


A SEXY mind is free to express love, fear, happiness, joy, ecstasy, anger, anger, compassion and so many other emotions. A SEXY woman is not afraid to share how she feels. We were designed to feel and connect from a place of emotion and spirit. It is a gift that we have as human beings to express our emotions. As awareness develops, she will be more attuned and in control of those emotions that serve her and those emotions that do not serve her. Choose wisely and you will get good results. Choose the courage to express your true self and people will be drawn to your heart and spirit. Release the NEED to be accepted and allow yourself to be received as you are. But keep in mind that some emotions are of no use to you and only you can decide which ones should be removed.

X – Exceptional Standards
What are your standards? Do you think your life is the way it is because of your standards? Either you have them so high that you are not satisfied, or they are so low that you feel like a failure. Yes, there are also some intermediate standards. We are women who have been given the freedom to choose. If your life isn’t what you expected, it’s never too late to raise your standards. Get fed up! Cheer up! Accelerate yourself to take your life to the next level of passion and success simply by raising your standards. Keep in mind that you may need to raise the standards you have for yourself. Every time you face a decision, ask yourself if this choice is the right one to move your life forward. This is the ONLY strategy that makes a difference. A simple change in this area, and you will see a change. Exceptional standards lead to an exceptional life

Y – Year to learn

This is not the same as self-awareness, this is the yearning you have to learn new insights, new perspectives, and new tools to redirect and change your life. This strategy seeks growth from abroad. Through books, CD’s, seminars, groups and many more resources, you will awaken to a world of possibilities. We were never created to have all the answers in our lives, but we were created to connect with people who can contribute to that growth. As your desire to learn increases, you open your life to people, places, and opportunities that will give you insight into your destiny in life. What would your life be like if you knew without a doubt that you were following your purpose and destiny? We are curious creatures and it is through this curiosity that we grow. If we don’t grow, we die. As we learn more in life, a seed is planted, and as we evolve, that seed is given light, nourishment, and direction to become a strong, life-giving source. You are that seed and how you feed it will determine the strength and growth of your spirit.

Mind: know your mission

The source of a woman’s beauty comes from her belief in herself and her spirit. She must have faith that her life is designed to serve a greater purpose and it is through her mission in her life that she honors that spirit. A mission-minded woman is SEXY and has the courage to make a difference.

You can make a difference in your life by starting with your mind. What would your relationships be like if you created powerful empowering thoughts? I know that the outer appearance makes the first impression, but the inner appearance keeps your attention. Valentine’s Day is slowly approaching, but with the right mindset, every day can be Valentine’s Day.

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