The effects of creatine on the physique of a bodybuilder

Possibly the most potent legal sports supplement on the market for over a decade, creatine isn’t much more than a combination of amino acids. Creatine was not invented by any supplement company, it was discovered in 1835 by a French scientist and philosopher named Michel-EugèneChevreul.

While creatine has many benefits beyond exercise (brain, heart, body growth hormone production, anti-aging effects, fatigue, muscle wasting, Parkinson’s disease, and more), many bodybuilders seek the immediate physical results of this sports supplement. dietary. Let’s take a look at the effects of creatine on a bodybuilder’s physique.

Top 3 physical effects of creatine supplementation:

  • Increased muscle size
  • Increased body mass
  • decreased body fat

Soon after starting creatine supplementation (assuming you are not part of the approximate 33% who do not respond to creatine supplementation), you will notice an increase in muscle size and overall body mass.

Starting muscle size comes from a term called “muscle bulk.” Creatine draws water into the cell through a process of osmosis. As water enters the muscle cells, the muscle physically swells with water. Therefore, the initial size is due to the fact that this muscle gives volume. This increase in muscle volume leads to an increase in body composition.

Due to Muscle Volumizing, the effect of creatine on a bodybuilder’s physique can increase body weight by 1-3 kilograms (2-7 pounds) during the first week of supplementation alone! This is the weight gain most commonly associated with creatine supplementation. At this point, you are not building actual muscle, but water in the muscles that is stored. During a creatine cycle, you may feel more uplifted and full due to this process.

With over 300 peer-reviewed published scientific studies, creatine supplementation has been shown to promote the growth of lean muscle (through increased exercise intensity, recovery, and increased protein synthesis). Undoubtedly, the increase in work per available energy is responsible for an increase in intensity and work leading to greater lean muscle mass. As mentioned above, muscle volumization helps contribute to remarkable lean muscle mass. Because muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat, it burns more calories at rest. By increasing muscle mass, you will burn more calories and make it harder for your body to gain body fat. Creatine supplementation is a great way to help promote lean muscle mass which will help burn more fat.

While there are several other positive effects of creatine supplementation on the bodybuilder’s physique, the most obvious are increased muscle mass through volumization and increased body weight and loss of body fat from increased body fat. lean muscle mass.

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