Seven charms of a courtesan

Delight and charm the men in your life

Courtesans, many of whom have disappeared without a trace, were often highly educated women who specialized in exchanging artistic graces, lofty conversation, and sexual favors with male patrons throughout history and around the world. Courtesans were present in Japan, China, and Italy, where the exchange was through poetry, speech, and music; in pre-colonial India through magic, music, chemistry, politics, economics, and other arts.

The following are seven feminine qualities that courtesans cultivated in their arts for hundreds of years. Trained in the ways of feminine beauty, they were not only experts in charming, conversing and enchanting men, many courtesans discovered how to bring their lovers to the highest states of satisfaction and pleasure. Although many courtesans lived precarious lives and were often kept as secret lovers, any woman can learn much from these elusive women who dedicated their lives to appreciating the men in their lives.

seven charms


Consider everything you do with a man as an erotic foreplay. It can last an hour or days and weeks. It’s totally up to you, timing is the art of offering a gesture, your voice, a touch or whatever is needed at a given moment. Timing means looking closely, looking for what someone likes, and then, at just the right moment, effortlessly saying or offering a gesture that adds beauty to the space. Timing is usually an invisible art, for when what most needs to be said or done is given, the courtesan disappears and credits someone else.


Are we born with it or can we create it? The only thing that matters is that you find yours and trust it. Believe in your beauty. Be willing to be seen, and be happy when you are. Drink compliments like you’re sipping fine wine. When you get even a hint of a compliment, smile shyly and let it sit. Your shyness can be irresistible.


Humor and laughter are his greatest assets. Your humor dissolves their insecurities. Your intelligence, delivered with ingenuity, will not feel competitive. Competing with men, directly or too seriously, dampens their attraction to you. On the other hand, some men love intense and playful competition. Sometimes they love to be tested and they love having powerful women around them. Your power and comments should uplift them in some genuine way. In other words, the key to using your wits in a cheeky way means that you stretch your intelligence and use it to increase his feelings about himself. So with wit, a man is more open to being shown where and how he could be even better.


Kindly appreciate any man who praises you. Their attraction is flattering, but that doesn’t mean you have to do anything but enjoy it. Listening with empathy, resist the temptation to fix or change your situation. Listen fully to where you are, and then offer a little ray of hope. A courtesan is a seductress, not a school teacher or a therapist. Men are very attracted to the courtly appearance of a woman, because she likes it just the way it is. She also lets her know that she believes in her ability to do it. She believes in him more than he believes in himself, this is benevolence.


Men love joy. Your frivolity, your joviality is very attractive. It is a delight for men. The lighter you are, the more room there is for others to relax around you. Lighten up like a butterfly landing on a branch. Become a carefree power point, calmly drawing laughter and a calm breeze to follow you wherever you go. Your calm relieves the man of his own concerns. The smarter and more tolerant you are, the stronger and more confident you will feel. It’s even better if you make him feel that your sense of joy comes from him.


Grace is elegance in your movements. It also shows up in the way you speak gently and politely in everything you do. Allowing your graceful movements to be seen and enjoyed, grace is gained through your eyes in the way you look at it. Your smile accepts it for what it is. Your grace melts away their insecurities, warms their feelings, calms their mind, and awakens their desire to respectfully enjoy your gifts.


Even if you never choose to have sex of any kind with a particular man, convey through your mannerisms that you might. Signal your interest while allowing the mystery of the outcome to remain open. Charm means keeping the possibility of sexual play up in the air, so clearly conveying the moment is entirely up to you. He will respect you for this and he really likes the playful tension of the dance. Your openness draws him in and challenges him to remain in your good graces. He will want to be respectful, not because you outwardly tell him what to do; rather it is his choice to be courteous. Instead of frustrating a man, he tempers his enthusiasm allowing the chances of connecting with you to remain possible. Consider his sexual interest as natural and good. Inspire him to offer you treats and show him your sincere pleasure; thank him when he does.

The key

acquiring the charms of a courtesan is through sincerity and generosity. Regardless of her age or her appearance, she can share these qualities and charms to not only delight the men in her life, but also cultivate her soft and enduring feminine nature. The best part is that the more you freely give, the more beautiful you feel and therefore the more beautiful you will become. Just as a flower effortlessly offers its petals to the sun without expecting anything in return, any woman can give tenderly whenever she wants. Like throwing a stone into a pond, she watches the vast ripples, the effects of your giving, reaching out and touching others with beauty.

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