Sales Training: Top 3 Lessons on Why Words Matter in Sales

In a recent sermon by a minister, the minister who had a new hairdresser was asked, “What do you do for a living?” The wise minister who knows that religion is a complicated subject, begins her response with, “I’ll tell you, but please don’t edit, make assumptions, or be scared.” With the hairdresser nodding, the minister told him that she was a minister.

The barber was silent and distant. Seeing this reaction to the minister, she tells the hairdresser how she serves a large community of 1,000 in the neighborhood. Just then, the hairdresser drops her scissors and her face turns bright red and she asks, “1000 people?!” The minister says yes; Unitarian University Church. The barber, sighing with relief, says, “Oh my God, I thought you said you were a mistress!”

We may incorrectly think that the words we use in particular for our industry, product or service are easy for others to understand. Let’s say you’re a website designer specializing in search engine optimization. Why use that phrase until you know how knowledgeable your customer is?

Take cues from silence or nonverbals. “Does it seem like I haven’t said something so clearly?” Give the prospect a chance to acknowledge that this is true or not, and then move on. Use your ears to your advantage. What does the silence tell you? Does the person just need time to think? Pay attention to any scissors drops or other nonverbal words.

Be aware of how you pronounce your words. Use your voice to your advantage. There is pitch; the variation in his voice. When I hired a speech coach, he taught me some techniques to avoid monotony. Use inflection, emphasis on keywords. Depending on how the inflection is used, the entire meaning of an award can change. It’s a good idea to set the pace of your pace according to the pace of the person you’re talking to. And the most important thing is clarity. Always speak succinctly.

Use common words, take cues from silence or nonverbals, and always speak succinctly. The next time you go to your barber or hairdresser, if you follow through with this, your hair will look good. The next time you are with a prospect, your words will be understood.

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