Pros and Cons: Commercial Paper Towel Dispenser Versus Electric Hand Dryer

Commercial Paper Towel Dispenser or Commercial Electric Hand Dryer – There has been a lot of debate as to which type is the best. There are actually a lot of good and bad points for both devices, so it is very important that you weigh the following pros and cons before purchasing a commercial towel dispenser or electric hand dryer.

The first point to consider is the costs of these devices. By cost, we are talking about the initial purchase price, the fees for maintenance and repair services. A commercial towel dispenser is fairly inexpensive depending on the type you buy: center-pull, multiple, single-fold, lever, C-fold, and contactless dispensers. The average cost of manual paper towel dispensers is about $ 21 to $ 115. Electric hand dryers are priced between $ 37 and $ 500 or more.

The towel dispensers are not powered by electricity, so you don’t have to deal with expensive energy bills. But electric hand dryers are more profitable and cheaper to maintain because they don’t need to continually refill paper towels.

Electric dryers promote a cleaner bathroom environment and prevent waste. Paper dispensers are prone to waste because employees or customers tend to throw away more paper towels than they actually need; extra paper towels are simply thrown in the trash. But contactless dispensers deliver custom towel lengths at specific intervals.

The length of the drying time is another very important issue among people. Electric dryers can be profitable, but they definitely don’t save time. It takes a long 43 seconds because electric hand dryers can remove all the excess moisture. People don’t even bother to wait and queue for their turn with the hand dryer. But paper dispensers are faster, taking only 12-14 seconds to finish the job.

Paper dispensers are not environmentally friendly for the simple fact that they use disposable towels. As everyone knows, the trees have to be cut down to make the paper towels, which are thrown into landfills after use.

Disposable towels have been found to be more effective at removing bacteria compared to hand dryers. In fact, bacteria thrive on the outlet of these hand dryers. Since these draw air from the surroundings, there is a great tendency for the air you blow into your hands to contain a lot of bacteria, which is why you wash your hands in the first place.

After all the discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of a commercial paper towel dispenser and hand dryer, the best one would still depend on your current preferences and needs. Just be sure to explore your options before making a decision – visit your local stores or home improvement centers to see these products first-hand.

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