"polynesian bodies" – Why Polynesian bodies develop better muscles

Polynesians are descendants of those early sailors who crossed the great waters and became the original inhabitants of the South Pacific Islands. To survive those long, cold ocean voyages, their Polynesian bodies evolved to develop maximum muscle-building capacity as a means of generating and preserving body temperature.

This was a direct adaptation to an environmental factor. Those who couldn’t adapt died, while the survivors carried with them genetic advantages, creating a kind of hybrid body, capable of enormous feats of physical labor, with very few calories and very little water.

The colonization of the Pacific islands only encouraged the Polynesian body to propagate these genetic characteristics, as the first islanders literally dug their homes out of the forests with their bare hands. Domesticating wildlife and horticulture was a Herculean feat, and the scarcity of fresh water developed the Polynesian body’s need to store fluids efficiently.

These early evolutionary patterns form the basis of the contemporary Polynesian body. Allows Polynesian corps:

1. Build muscle easily

2. Possess a unique strength for massive capabilities

3. Withstand harsh environmental conditions more easily.

4. Endure long periods with little food and little water

Unfortunately, these adaptations also mean that Polynesian bodies

1. Store excess energy more easily as body fat

2. Store excess water subcutaneously

3. Burn calories at a slower, more gradual rate

In the absence of the extreme physical labor performed by our Polynesian ancestors, and the abundant food found in Western cultures, it’s no surprise that Polynesian bodies have a tendency to accumulate unsightly body fat. This storage of excess energy was a survival adaptation for the lean days prevalent in island cultures, but completely absent in Western cultures.

Here are 3 of the best tips to improve a Polynesian body

1. Exercise, choosing intense weight training over cardio.

Polynesian bodies are designed to be exercised at maximum intensity. Once or twice a week is enough. If you weight train 5 or 6 days a week, I guarantee you can train twice as hard once or twice a week. Another way of looking at it is this: If you can train with weights for 90 minutes, I assure you, you can train harder for 40 minutes. Remember that you can train hard or you can train long, but you can’t do both. Always choose to train hard. Intense training triggers the release of muscle building hormones into the bloodstream. Jane Fonda’s workouts no. Polynesian bodies respond well to incredibly intense training regimens done less frequently.

2. Don’t eat every day.

This one may surprise you, especially if you are Polynesian, but it is true. You may have heard that if you don’t eat every few hours, your body goes into starvation mode, blah blah blah. Who came up with this idea? Did they take the rest of the day off for such brilliance? That simply is not true. Polynesian bodies are descended from a genetic strain of humans that could survive for weeks without food or rest and very little water.

Primitive man tracked herds over vast expanses, on foot, and when they finally attacked their prey, they could somehow muster the strength and energy, in this depleted state, to run and kill a beast more than ten times its size. I know one thing is for sure. Put a bunch of these early hominids in the NFL and they’d stomp the snot out of those juice heads. We need to harness that power and use the energy stored in the body.

The idea that you feel tired all the time and that you need to constantly eat to maintain your energy levels are fabrications of the weak modern mind that prevent us from tapping into the vastness of our true human potential.

3. Eat real, natural, unprocessed foods indigenous to the islands, and eat enough to be satisfied.

A Polynesian body can store more water, so drink plenty to discourage water retention.

Organic fruits, vegetables, seafood, coconut oil, taro, along with chicken, pork, and beef are the mainstays of the Polynesian diet. These are the foods that Polynesian bodies have adapted to efficiently assimilate over hundreds of years of evolution. Polynesians should not consume processed foods. Canned foods and commercially packaged foods combined with naturally high-fat Polynesian diets create metabolic chaos in the Polynesian body. Eliminate all processed and man-made foods gradually.

Through the evolutionary process of natural selection, Polynesian bodies may become the ultimate source of energy for building muscle, or an unsightly storage system for excess energy and water weight. Polynesian bodies are able to build muscle more efficiently because they have slightly lower metabolisms and have a genetic propensity to store more water. More than 70% of the muscle is water. This is a wonderful adaptation for gaining muscle mass, but a bit detrimental when the desire is to burn body fat and eliminate subcutaneous water. Polynesian bodies also possess a unique hormonal environment that allows muscle gain to take place more effectively. A gift to the contemporary Polynesian body from their ancestors who survived some of the most brutal ocean toils.

To get close to genetic potential, a Polynesian bodybuilder must train with extreme intensity, less frequently, monitor caloric intake, and manage their water properly.

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