Paper Crafting And Scrapbooking Expo: Tips To Make The Most Of Your First Time

Papercrafting and scrapbooking conventions appeal to all kinds of people. Some of the first thoughts in the heads of those who travel to a craft fair may be the following:

1. “Vacation time!”
2. “No kids for a whole weekend!”

What others may experience is a quiet sense of intimidation, especially if they expect the show to be their first introduction to the craft. You are likely to find many others whose experience extends beyond your own. Bullying can be true for non-newbies; Lack of confidence in their personal ability can push them over the edge from excitement to nervousness, leaving them wondering if they will really get the most out of their trip and the funds it took to make it happen.

If you fall into either category, there are a few simple tips that can boost your confidence by setting a path for how you’ll benefit most from the trip. These can enhance your learning as well as your enjoyment of the process.

The first tip is to explore the world of crafts. You want to get an overview of the different types of projects and realize which ones you find most exciting. When you know what motivates you, you have a clearer path to determine where to focus your energy and which classes will benefit you the most.

The second tip is to make paper crafts! Start the process on your own with a small, simple and enjoyable project or choose a challenging one. Either way, you’ll be able to identify where you find the project easier, where you’d like to explore more, and what obstacles you need help with or improvement on, if any. Knowing these three characteristics of your brewing process will allow you to choose classes, speakers, and activities that are directly related to how you enjoy brewing, what you want more of in brewing, and where you may need help.

The last tip is to plan your ideal brewing experience in your head. What are the basic elements you plan to get out of the process? Make a list of these. For example, if I want to spend family time with the kids and I’m looking for craft projects that can do this, I need to know this up front to get more information on where to put my attention. By identifying my goals, I can learn more about what questions to ask during the convention.

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