New Medical Analogy for MLM Network Marketing Prospecting

This is the story of a new Doctor, Brian. He has just graduated from the Faculty of Medicine. I’ll use this analogy to reveal 2 big mistakes most MLM Network Marketers make.

This gentleman is originally from Houston Texas but went to medical school in New Jersey; UMDNJ. He was in school for 4 years. When he finally returned home, he decided to throw a graduation party. As a new MLM Network Marketer, this will compare to his first meeting at home or a private business reception.

He made a list of all his family members and friends. She invited them all. Many were very happy to rejoice with him and some could not attend; You know that life happens. Remember that they told you to invite all your family members and friends as well.

Suddenly, in the middle of the party, Brian stopped the music and told everyone that he had some prescription drugs for everyone. Everyone quickly assumed that he was giving away some free vitamins. Brian had assumed that each and every one of them was not satisfied with his health, or at least none of them was as healthy as he thought he should be. This would give you a beating wondering why everyone doesn’t want to be rich and wants to settle for less after a little hurdle.

Dr. Brian prescribed different medications and actually had the necessary tools for chemotherapy. In fact, he said that Aunt Katherine’s mole on her neck must be cancerous. If this story were true, it would sound weird to you, too, like everyone else at Brian’s private reception. It also seemed strange to me when I noticed that 95% of MLM Network Marketers try to build their business this way.

1. MLM Network Marketing is a profession. The biggest mistake 95% of people in this industry make is that they treat her like a husband or a side hustle. That’s exactly 95% of the industry making less than $10 per week. That’s a fact. Brian totally disrespected his profession with his behavior.

Do not misunderstand. Home gatherings or private business receptions work when done right. In fact, it is the beginning of practicing the first word in “Network Marketing”; “NETWORK”.

However, the Home Gathering or Private Business Reception (PBR) are meant to lunch your home-based business and showcase the product, service, and opportunity you offer. You may be able to pick up some business partners and some customers. Most importantly, everyone at your home gathering or private business reception (PBR) now knows that you plant a flag and there’s a better chance they’ll call you first when the time is right.

You don’t want to be disrespectful by calling people “broken.” You don’t want to tell people to be open minded because that is exactly why they will close their mind to prevent you from selling them or whatever you are trying to offer. You should simply invite everyone without prejudging to your business lunch and build up your top online presenter or expert. Also, stay away from using the word ‘meeting’, it sounds boring to most people and is overused in the MLM network marketing industry.

2. The big word in “MLM Network Marketing” is Marketing. The second biggest mistake and the reason people fail in this multi-billion dollar multi-billion dollar network marketing industry is because they neglect the billion-dollar word; Marketing. Home Meetings and Private Business Reception (PBR) is good for networking and that’s it. Marketing is a skill set you need to educate yourself in and it goes beyond your family and friends.

You have a miracle in your mouth for millions of people beyond your family and friends. Well, it can be 1 0r 2 of them. You might be like me when I started my Internet and MLM Network Marketing career, no one wanted to be a part of my scam.

In conclusion, your ability to get your message across and your solution to those who have corresponding problems is what makes you a marketer, a top income producer with your core business. Most importantly, he is positioning himself as a leader that everyone wants to follow with credit cards in hand, ready to join his particular business.

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