It’s time to get skinny!

Lately everyone has been asking me the golden question: “How do I get rid of THIS?” (pointing to a large region of her body). Almost every day now, wherever I go. That can only mean one thing… It’s time to get skinny!!! Yes. Summer is just around the corner, and everyone wants to get out there and let the sun shine where it normally doesn’t, and look good while doing it. Well, for those of you who are serious, you know you’re going to have to cut back on your calorie intake and get more active, right? That’s just weight loss 101.

Cut fat, cut calories, slow down on carbs, and watch what you drink. A ton of the calories you consume can come from sodas, juices, smoothies, coffee (especially the creations from Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts), and let’s not forget, ALCOHOL. There’s a reason it’s called a BEER belly. Hey, don’t think it’s just beer either. Lots of people walking around with Pina Colada, Margarita and Long Island Iced Tea bellies as well. Trust me. My brother used to have one of those (the Long Island Iced Tea). He tries to reserve the drink for special occasions and parties only. A glass of wine with dinner once in a while, NOT every day. Nobody ever has a single glass, and you know it.

I also suggest keeping a food diary. When you write down every little thing you eat, it’s much easier to see how much you really overeat, and you begin to more easily determine what you really can do without. Spend your calories like money on a very strict and limited budget. Buy only when necessary, and don’t waste them on frivolous things like rich desserts and fried or fatty foods. More vegetables and protein, less sugar, less fat, less carbohydrates.

Start with a set daily calorie limit (say, 1,500 to 2,000) when you’re really trying to lose weight, and try to make as many good choices as you can within that calorie budget. Doing that will make you more aware of what you take in when you decide to eat. As you get used to this new style of eating, you’ll be able to further reduce your calorie budget. However, don’t go below 1,000 to 1,200 per day, because then you get too close to the starvation threshold. We don’t want THAT! In starvation mode, you defeat the purpose. Your body will begin to consume its own muscle tissue to make up for the nutrients you’re denying it by not eating enough. So instead of looking fit and fabulous, you look sick and sickly.

Good, now you have it. Get ready, be disciplined and get to work! By the time the sweater is completely removed, you’ll really be able to show them something!

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