How to make gold with professions in WoW Cataclysm

Making gold has always been one of the things that players strive for. Having enough gold to not have to do boring daily quests to pay for raid costs is of course awesome, sadly this is not the case for most people. Many people in World of Warcraft are low on gold, and with the recent Cataclysm expansion, more and more people need gold for repairs, enchantments, gems, and of course to buy the latest and greatest gear. The best way to make gold in Cataclysm would be using the Auction House, but this can be quite difficult if you are inexperienced, so I’ll teach you how to make gold with your professions, we’ll take gold crafting from the Auction House. part at another time.

So, to begin with, you need to know which professions are profitable and how you are supposed to use them. Well, for starters, there are two different types of professions. Gathering professions and Crafting professions. Which is exactly what it sounds like, with gathering professions you will gather materials like ores and herbs and sell them to people with Crafting professions which turns them into an item/enchantment/potion/Glyph etc. A nice thing that people often do is combine these two, because you can have two professions. Combinations could be something like Enchanting/Tailoring, Herbalism/Alchemy, Mining/Blacksmithing, etc. But let’s dig a little deeper so you understand what is what and how to monetize it for the biggest gold profit.

gather professions

There are three different gathering professions, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. I would not recommend that you choose skinning because the demand versus supply and price make it less profitable than the other two. Mining is probably the best profession for you as a new player, copper ore is currently 55-70 gold per stack on my server, and these are the ores you get in starting areas, so everyone can mine, including you. . Mining will always yield good results and it doesn’t really matter what level of mining you have, people need minerals of all different levels for many different purposes, which has increased a lot in Cataclysm and that has made the demand for minerals higher never. before.

craft professions

The crafting professions are all the ones I didn’t mention as gathering professions, the three most profitable crafting professions would be jewelry making, blacksmithing, and inscription. I’ve personally made loads of gold with just a few minutes of work per day thanks to Inscription, glyphs are selling like crazy now that everyone wants to get a glyph of every kind for their class. Jewelry will also earn you a lot of gold because people need gems for their new items, and most people are willing to pay up to 50% of the gem cost for a cut gem. Blacksmiths craft gold like they always have, selling high end equipment recipes, some level 80-85 blues can cost quite a bit too so keep that in mind.

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