Ecoteck brand pellet stoves and inserts for pellet stoves

Today hundreds of thousands of consumers in the US are choosing pellet stove inserts to heat their homes. The insert sits flush inside the fireplace like a standard wood stove, however these inserts can work automatically, fueling on demand to maintain and regulate temperature. A full hopper in one of the inserts will keep the heater running for at least 24 hours, even on full heat settings. With a log insert, you would be constantly charging the fire with logs every hour or so. Pellet stove inserts will also require much less maintenance than a traditional wood burning unit. Ash reduction and higher combustion efficiency mean less work for you.

Ecoteck pellet stoves are now very popular in Europe for their clean designs and compact size heaters. However, the Ecoteck range has difficulty dealing with different percentages of ash from certain fuels. The important thing to remember is that consumers choose pellets to lower their heating bills, so they are interested in units that can use the cheapest pellet fuels to keep their annual heating bills to a minimum. The other main reason consumers are looking for pellets is that they are an eco-friendly way to heat their home. In the UK the government is going to introduce the biomass heat incentive scheme, this will mean that consumers will be paid for used biomass energy such as pellets. In the US, the government provides tax credits to help pay for the installation of pellet heaters. The incentives are there to make the change.

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