Disappointed with your joint tablets? The truth about the effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin

Today, we all lead busy lives at work and at home. This type of lifestyle can involve physical activity in many forms, whether you’re working out regularly at the gym, running after the kids, or having a physically demanding job.

From a very young age we put a lot of stress on our joints, such as children who play sports, climb trees and encounter falls. Eventually, an active lifestyle and the aging process lead to wear and tear throughout the body and can be particularly noticeable on the joints.

It’s a fact of life that as we age, our joints and spine (joints in the spine, known as facet joints) are more likely to experience aches and pains. In the UK it is estimated that around eight million people have some form of arthritis and that one in three people will develop arthritis at some point in their life.

Did you know that there are actually around 200 different types of arthritis, which means inflammation of the joints and joints of the spine, with osteoarthritis being the most common? Other types are rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylosis, and gout.

The articular surfaces of the bones (the ends of the bones that form the joint) are covered with articular cartilage and are bathed in synovial fluid, call it “joint oil.” In a normal healthy joint, the articular cartilage is smooth and the synovial fluid is of sufficient quality to provide adequate lubrication.

Unfortunately, as we age, this lubrication becomes less efficient, thereby diminishing support for daily mobility and proper function of joint cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are currently a much-hyped dietary product to help our joints and spine with the issues listed above…

…Unfortunately it is NOT as effective as it seems.

Research has shown that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have a large and complex molecular structure, too large to easily pass through the small pores in capillary walls. This means that the substance cannot be absorbed properly and therefore does not reach where it is most needed, the joints and the spine. It stays in the blood only to be filtered out by the body’s waste system! (the latest research has shown that only 21/2% is absorbed through the gut)

Ever wonder why you’ve been told it will take up to 2-3 months before you feel the benefit? …Now you know why.


Cortaflex has been built around the concept that smaller molecules are more likely to be absorbed than larger ones. Therefore, Cortaflex contains the smaller key active isolates of chondroitin and glucosamine: glutamine, glucuronic acid, glutamic acid, proline and glycine, which should not be confused or compared with the much larger chondroitin and glucosamine molecules.

From research and personal experience and from ChesterPhysio Clinic patients who have tried it, Cortaflex is definitely much more effective than glucosamine and chondroitin and also it won’t take 2-3 months to feel the benefits, it is suggested that it only takes 7 days to start seeing the benefit.


Basically ANYONE does it – young, old, active and inactive people DO IT!

If you are active in sports, do heavy manual labor, etc., you may want to minimize the effects of stresses on your joints and spine in the short term and avoid excessive wear and tear in the long term.

You may already have joint pain, or you may have arthritis and want fast, effective pain relief, without the horrible side effects of medications like steroids (commonly prescribed for arthritis, joint and spinal pain). ).

CORTAFLEX CAPSULES WITH HA Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a main component of the lubricating fluid for the joints. Cortaflex HA capsules combine all the amazing benefits of Cortaflex with an oral form of hyaluronic acid. Cortaflex HA capsules can be taken to support your regular Cortaflex program IF YOU HAVE PAINFUL JOINTS OR ARTHRITIS, or permanently for those joints experiencing EXCESSIVE NATURAL WEAR

If you want to invest in the long-term health of your joints and spine, Cortaflex is currently the best product on the market for this.

I use the word investment and not cost, as it is an investment in the short-term and long-term health of your joints and spine.

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