Continue! give your enemy a hug

Another absurd idea from yours truly, even the thought makes some people cringe.

My husband had been having problems with an old friend, every time I ran into him there would be teasing and snide comments. A feeling of animosity generally permeated the atmosphere between them. So Jeremy, my husband, started to imagine giving this guy a hug. In his mind he mounted a scene and in it he frequently gave his old companion a hug. The next time he put this mate in the flesh, the change was amazing! Gone are the taunts and sarcastic comments: the problem was fixed. I have tried it myself ever since and believe me, it really works! The power of unconditional love is amazing and it’s free. It only takes a small amount of your time. Go and look.

So, to go one step further, after you’ve given your worst enemy a hug, how about giving yourself a hug? Imagine yourself as a small child, allow that small child to climb on your knees and hold you close. Do this at every available opportunity when you have a quiet moment. Imagine playing with that child on the playground or at the beach. See what happens inside you. You will find that you begin to grow as a person, moving forward as your ability to love and like yourself blossoms. Consequently, your ability to love others will also grow.

The difficult part of what I have said is: why does your enemy bother you so much? What is it that you don’t like or dislike about them? The answer is that they are reflecting [showing] something about yourself that you don’t like. They are actually doing you a service. [so you should say ‘thank-you’] but it is often very difficult to see this. Your own deep integrity and innate honesty with yourself has to come into play before you can see [and accept] what that person is showing you. No one likes to think badly of themselves, but you don’t have to judge them when you do. No one of us is perfect; we all have flaws, both the dark side and the light side. We all have the same fears deep down, we are all the same. We all believe that we are not good enough: that love equals pain: that the world is not a safe place. We all fear that we lack love, abundance, joy and security.

When you find yourself angry, sad, miserable, jealous, guilty, out of you with such an emotion that you don’t know what to do, imagine that child and hug him. This is called transforming emotion. You are changing the energy from negative to positive, so to speak. Emotions are energy, energy in motion. You cannot get rid of energy, only transform it.

Your enemy, that person who makes you climb the wall, turns on the blue touch paper for you. [remember you may do the same for them]-change it! Take responsibility and decide to do things better. Hug your enemy and see what happens the next time you meet.

‘Those who would control you are those who fear not having control. Those who covet power are those who fear impotence. Those who would steal are afraid of scarcity. Those who would torment and torture are those who are, in fact, tortured and tormented. Beloved, have compassion on their fear. As you can, without judgment, wrap these in your heart, you will actually change reality’ [P’Taah,’ The Gift’ by Jani King]

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