Can Lactobacillus Acidophilus Successfully Eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis?

Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most effective ingredient to treat bacterial vaginosis. For years, women have known about the benefits of using yogurt to treat yeast infections. We now know that the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis occur when the number of lactobacilli bacteria is reduced, allowing harmful bacteria to multiply and become dominant. This causes an imbalance in acidity and leaves you prone to infection and disease.

Acidophiles such as lactobacilli are probiotics and are vital for enhancing immunity and suppressing harmful bacteria.

Acidophilus has been used for years to treat conditions such as athlete’s foot and irritable bowel syndrome, but its ability to restore the bacterial balance in the vaginal tract has made it the ‘miracle’ cure for bacterial vaginosis.

Everyday products such as yogurt, beer and cider are rich sources of acidophilus. It is widely available at health food outlets or natural remedy centers in tablet or liquid form and can be taken orally or applied as a cream or suppository to ensure bacterial vaginosis is successfully treated within a few days.

Despite the fact that some members of conventional medicine groups scoff at the claims of herbalists and homeopaths, no one can dispute the scientifically proven results produced by this wonderful probiotic. Women have seen how acidophilus can treat their bacterial vaginosis in one day.

Recent studies show us that after a few days of treatment, the symptoms disappear, the vaginal secretions no longer have an unpleasant odor, and the swabs confirmed that, in most cases, the ph balance was restored to normal and healthy levels. After twenty days, nearly all of the women tested were completely cured, and adding Acidophilus-containing products to treat bacterial vaginosis will prevent the condition from returning. This gives you an instant advantage over prescription Bacterial Vaginosis treatments that cause fifty percent of women to experience a recurrence.
Vaginal creams and douches containing acidophilus have, in some cases, relieved BV symptoms within hours.

Bacteria like acidophilus live inside your body, so it’s virtually unheard of for someone to have a bad reaction or side effect from using it as a treatment.

Many women use live yogurt to treat yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis and even though they are two completely different conditions with different causes, it works just as well to successfully treat them. Understanding your body and the key role that ‘friendly’ bacteria play is the key to treating conditions like bacterial vaginosis.

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