Black Walnut – Wart Remover

My son had been bothering me with this “thing” on his big toe for a while and to be honest I didn’t think it was a big deal so yeah I put him off and didn’t really take the time. investigate the matter fully. By the time I actually examined the “thing” it was a huge planter wart on the side of my 5 year old son’s big toe! Huge and disgusting!

My first thought was, “I hope I have some black walnut tincture in the cupboard.” crazy you say? I was raised by herbalists, what else would you expect me to think? I didn’t have any on hand, but I knew where to get it, so I grabbed a bottle (only $12.99) and started the treatment. I dropped the tincture on a cotton ball until it was almost saturated, placed it on the wart, and then wrapped it with thin strips of athletic tape. Band-Aids didn’t work around that little toe, but this tape job did! We applied it every night and the bandage lasted all night and the next day. When it was time for bed we redid the bandage, soaked a new cotton ball in Black Walnut and reapplied the tape. We ran out of conform and started using prewrap folded over the cotton ball and then secured with the athletic tape. Both methods worked fabulously. Even with all the packaging, a bit of the dye stayed on your sheets and stains, but twin sheets aren’t expensive so that didn’t bother me at all.

If you’ve gone to the doctor to have a wart frozen, it withers and dies. This did just the opposite. She grew and grew and grew, she looked like a mushroom! My husband was wondering how this would turn out, and my son was a little nervous because he got so big, but we kept applying Black Walnut every night and watching this crazy thing grow on his toe. Very soon the top of the mushroom came loose and fell off. There was still a large wart with lots of seeds, so we continued to apply Black Walnut. Then one day, after about 5 weeks of being diligent, most of the wart dried up and fell off. It left a huge crater on my son’s toe (which he thought was SO COOL). I reapplied Black Walnut that night and by morning the crater was gone, the skin had completely evened out. There were only a few seeds left on the site, so we continued with the procedure and the wart site got smaller and smaller with fewer and fewer seeds until her skin completely closed and she became completely whole. There is no evidence of any seeds or that he ever had a wart!

It was amazing to see my toe heal from the inside out. We gave the body the tools it needed to get rid of this viral infection and it did. No scars, no recurring warts. His body did exactly what it does best: heal itself. He just needed the right tools. And in this case, those tools were a bottle of black walnut tincture, cotton balls, and duct tape. No doctor visits, no insurance billing, just simple home remedies.

If I run into this again, I would apply the tincture morning and night to speed things up a bit, but it’s nice to know that it works with just one good application a day! I love taking care of my family this way!

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