Basic SEO Keyword Placement To Make Money Online

If you have been following my online marketing work with SEO, and have spent many nights trying to understand SEO, then you know that online marketing and SEO are not as easy as sometimes suggested. But you will also know if you started without keyword placement, that you have wasted valuable months and even years. Not to mention all the costs like hosting blogs and email lists, and it’s all down to simple misdirection and keyword misplacement.

Keyword placement is the most important factor determining your growth rate, along with engaging content. Absolutely everything you do online from Blog SEO, Blog Posts, Comments, Forum Discussions, Posts, Ads Only and the rest of the endless methods of attracting visitors is based on Keyword Placement. And as I recently discovered, correct keyword placement can get your blog, video, articles, and e-books appearing on the first page of search results in a matter of days, not months, or years.

There is always a need to consider and accept the fact that targeting the right audience will require proper planning and preparation. But also that targeting an interested audience is regardless of the only way to make money online with your method, be it Blogging, Affiliate Marketing or otherwise.

Another common SEO mistake is submitting a sitemap to Google, because if you don’t, Google can’t find its way to your blog. A sitemap reveals the keywords and keyword phrases that best describe your work so you can rank accordingly. Submitting a sitemap is easily done by installing a plugin like “All-in-one SEO” gold “Google XML Sitemaps“but you should also check in the”Google search console“that the site map is accepted and understood in fact.

I recently had a “HTTP 404 error“on the sitemap of my blog, which scared me a bit because I was under the impression that everything was completed successfully. And after intensive research I found that this seems to be a fairly common problem, but can be easily fixed .

Now the URL of a sitemap usually ends with “/sitemap.xml“, but sometimes an additional (period / period) is added to the end from the Google XML Sitemap plugin and may be one of the reasons why”HTTP 404 errorFortunately, this is easily fixed by simply removing the old sitemap from Google Search Console and simply copy / paste the plugin sitemap URL, discarding only the last point.

But back to keyword placement, I thought I’d better share some of the more recent findings that made a big difference to my own video and site ranking ability. The first few lines of your content are also the most profitable lines to work with, because this is how your content is categorized by all the major search engines like Google and Bing. That’s why site title (H1 header) and post title (H2 header) with widget titles (H3 headers) and the first 160 characters of your content body is the only way to make money online with your blog.

However, the challenge is using those search phrases as part of the description context and not just cramming a bunch of search phrases in there that don’t make sense. Within a description, the target search phrase must appear at least 2-3 times, and it can be much more challenging when using search phrases in context.

For best results with keyword placement, it is always recommended to try to create a blend between your site’s Long Tail and Short Tail keywords, and then include these search phrases in both the title and the first 160 characters because it is normally recognized as your content description.

That is the description that you can also see in the meta description of the sites on a search results page in any major search engine. Typically it has the site title at the top in blue, then the URL just below it in green with the description text in black. You may also notice some bold keywords within the meta description, which will be the keywords that the site is currently ranking for.

Exactly which keywords and search phrases to use will be different for each person depending on the niche you choose to make money with online. It’s always best to target keywords and search phrases with high search volume and low to medium competition, but even then it can take a while to show up in Google search results.

Search engine optimization is pretty basic and mostly logical once you get the hang of it, but it’s the road less traveled for a reason. While the actual ranking can increase fairly quickly with the correct placement of keywords, it can take weeks and even months of proper research to get those relevant keywords and search phrases.

You may even end up changing the blog and post title multiple times in the meta description, but when you do, be sure to check the sitemap in the Google search console as well. Remember that when you change your keywords and search phrases, the whole sitemap changes too, and if you don’t update, it will be like giving Google the wrong addresses for your site.

Proper search engine optimization is really as simple as telling all the major search engines exactly what your blog, video, article, or any content is about. The basics always come down to the title, description, and the number of times the search phrase appears.

The location of keywords and search phrases is your address, and it is much more important than speed. Making money online is a numbers game of how many hours, days, weeks, months and even years you are prepared to move on.

Suggestion for post title – Try to avoid words like “and” or “in” in the title of a post as it will sometimes show up as a special character (& @ $%) which is not considered SEO friendly and will lower your SEO score Blog.

This also applies to video, article, and e-book titles because at some point those titles will show up in Google search results. This is why it is so important to use search phrases in context because that is the description that a visitor will read.

This is also part of the “First impression”, what does your potential buyer see when they look at the meta description on the Google search results page? Do they see a desperate sales attempt or a real professional suggestion for relevant, unique and engaging content?

The only “Secret“To really make money online is to keep going until you succeed, not until you get tired of trying.

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