Animal rescue support

Dog rescue shelters are establishments that are licensed to care for stray and unwanted dogs. Most are non-profit groups that work to assist society in caring for lost and abandoned animals. These are the places where beloved, outlawed, abandoned and wounded dogs are placed. Some of the animals in the rescue shelters were captured by the city’s animal control units. Trapped dogs can sometimes be aggressive. Sometimes the dogs in rescue shelters are the ones that were rescued from abusive environments.

There are more than 100,000 rescue shelters in the world. When dogs and cats are rescued, they are spayed and neutered as needed to avoid having more puppies and kittens. Today there is an overpopulation of pets. If left unchecked to breed freely, dog rescue shelters would need one person for every 7 dogs or cats present.

Rescue shelters allow cat and dog enthusiasts to breed and adopt some of the dogs they have spayed and neutered. By adopting these dogs, you will not only find friends for life, but you will also help society. Buying dogs from shelters is a great alternative to buying from breeders. You will not have to pay as much and you will be helping an animal in need. But as a new dog owner, you need to give him the care and attention that the dog requires.

Rescue shelters also do their best to reunite lost pets and their owners. It is important to have tags, a tattoo, or a microchip for your pet if it is ever lost.

If the rescue team decides that the animal has been abused or neglected, it can take steps to remove the pet from the owners and possibly fine the owners for animal cruelty.

While rescue shelters continue to save and find homes for dogs and cats, they continue to fill up rapidly. It is impossible to find a home for all the animals left in the shelters. This is why it’s so important to keep your pets spayed and neutered so that none of them have to end up in a homeless situation.

Rescue groups deserve all the support we can give. Remember, there are many ways to help. If you are not in a position to adopt a pet, perhaps you could host. Have you considered volunteering your time for a rescue group by providing transportation, making home visits, or working at events? Together, we can work to eliminate pet overpopulation, as we find loving families for homeless animals.

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