About that new world order

Men used to speak more freely of a New World Order. This is what I really had in mind when I first heard the word “reset”. Now I hear that the word reset is thrown around a lot too, along with “globalism.”

Wikipedia It’s not the most scholarly of resources for understanding our world, but a lot of the basics are there. There are, they say, at least two definitions of reboot, or the old New world order.

A conspiracy theory?

The first point of view is the conspiracy theory. Yes, that is correct. According to this left-leaning article, the New World Order is a theory put forward by “militantly anti-government right-wing” groups, as well as those who believe in fundamentalist Christianity and the rise of antichrist in the end times!

The author argues that these right-wingers believe that there is a secret elite that has a globalist agenda. This elite is plotting to rule the world through an authoritarian government. There will be no more nation-states. This will be the culmination of the story’s progress. This elite is responsible for systemic crises and controversial policies, as “steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.”

Why, says he? Wikipedia expert, people who believe in these radical things are actively preparing for millennial doomsday scenarios. That’s it, the book of apocalypse it will come to pass, bad things will rain down on the earth and will mark the beginning of the Millennium.

Oh my! Such horrible ideas could provoke mass hysteria and the rise of authoritarian ultra-nationalist demagogues! Could be?

So that’s my translation of a Wikipedia entry on the New World Order: it’s just a conspiracy theory.

But as I review that article, I’m happy to report that almost everything I read is God’s truth. It is not a theory at all. that stage they will be acted. One world government. An attempt at world domination by one man. An elite behind-the-scenes group pushing for an end to nationalism, eg American exceptionalism, wishing for the world to be united in one happy family. And about that family, which in the end will not be happy at all, a man. A man. A brutal man whose desire will be to dethrone God and enslave humanity.

A political reality.

But there is another use of NWO. He wanders around in the world of politics, but he takes himself seriously. There is no theory here, they say. The men have spoken! However, the definition given sounds very much like “conspiracy”, i.e. the truth of the Scriptures. This is how the elite sees it, for Wikipedia:

“…a new period of history evidencing a dramatic shift in world political thinking and the balance of power…is primarily associated with the ideological notion of world governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand or address global problems that are beyond the solution capacity of individual nation-states”.

How far is that from the “right-wing fundamentalist” idea of ​​what is coming, that is, what the Bible says is coming? Not far.

We have already seen, in 2020, how it can work. A disease plagues the planet. The planet works together to find a solution. But addressing the problem means restriction. Lockdown. Check. strong measures. And cooperation. Forced world cooperation if necessary.

But what if the problem is not a disease? What if the problem is “hate speech”? What if hate speech is defined as anything that appears to demean another human being? For example, call sin, sin and list those sins. Stories are circulating in the Western Hemisphere of men, mostly herdsmen, who have been fined or jailed for such “crimes.” The record of North Korea and other communist and Islamic nations is replete with such incidents. Imagine this globally.

Imagine the morality of Heaven being considered controversial and unpublishable, but men’s hatred of the Bible, and Christians, as great press and welcomed by all publishers.

Theory? Oh no. It’s already happening.

The New World Order will restore all things. Morales. Religion. thought.

Not new. Very, very old.

Tea Wikipedia The article goes on to relate a history of the use of NWO. This is not a new concept at all. Humanity, since the days of the Tower of Babel, has wanted to unite and make its own rules and protect itself from those heavenly forces that might disagree. The ultimate proof of this desire will come to light when mankind’s chosen leader attacks Jesus upon his return! You can imagine?

Let’s go Wikipedia now, and open our Bibles. Join me?

NWO thought goes back to Genesis, as do all ideas, eventually. After Eden and the expansion of the world population, men entered into an evil so great that the first reboot of God’s New World Order had to be initiated: the destruction of all but eight people. A new beginning.

Let’s get it right this time, humans.

But once again, more people meant more evil. Learning of the story of the flood, and moving away from its origin in heaven, the wicked began to proclaim a way to guarantee that it would not be repeated.

Genesis 11 tells the story. The people of the world were united. Not united around God. Tragically, when humanity comes together, it is to despise God in some way. Such was the case here. Tradition [ and Josephus] says that he was Nimrod, mentioned in the previous chapter as a “mighty hunter before (or against) the Lord”, who gained enough popularity among the assembled people to stage a rebellion against all things pious.

The idea was to have a tower that reached Heaven. For what purpose we are not told. But we speculate. Was it about running to safety if there was another flood? Surely only a few could be saved if the waters chased them to the tower. Or were there multiple towers? Archeology confirms it.

Or maybe it was something more sinister? Did the little man think that he himself could reach the celestial sphere and bring down this deluge-producing Deity?

Whatever was on his mind, was rejected by the Almighty. People together, God reasoned, are not safe for My plan. I’ll have to split them. Then comes the story of language confusion that we learned as children.

Here God was saying, stay apart. May the nations grow, but may no one ever again rise up to bring the planet against Me. Dire consequences will ensue.

The man, in verse 4, said, “Let us make a name for ourselves so that we are not scattered… “

But in verse 8, God’s answer: “Then the Lord scattered them over the face of all the earth.”

So much for the one world government. That arrangement of the geopolitical world was already repudiated by God in those ancient times. So much for a world ordered by man, especially by one man.

He who sits in the Heavens laughs at our petty plans to dethrone him. He will have the last laugh. That laugh can come sooner than we want to believe. But why does He apparently allow the nations to conspire against his command in our day?

Eventually, the people who stayed behind to build a nation around the original tower built not only a nation, but also an empire. Defying the God of Heaven, the Babylonian Empire created their own gods of wood and stone, and Satan again attempted his new world order, a combination of peoples and tribes fully intent on taking over the planet.

It was then that God intervened and brought in the Assyrians to destroy the Babylonian ambitions. The old gods received new names, but the same desire for power and the same hatred of God’s original plan continued. Oh, and the capital of the new Empire was Nineveh, which just so happens to be another city created by Nimrod in those ancient days of the original rebellion. What power was granted to this satanic man!

More changes occurred. Babylon revived and Nebuchadnezzar’s version of perversion came to power. Then, several generations later, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome. Each of these Empires had the same goal: a world ordered by them and their man. A new world order, reorganized around themselves and defying the God of Heaven.

They all failed. And man’s current effort will fail. The only reboot that will survive is the one promised by the God who made heaven and earth to glorify him. What a wonderful day that will be!

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