A guide to using Yahoo! Answers to get traffic to your site!

yahoo! Answers is similar to forums. yahoo! Answers is a site where people can ask any question they want and other participants can write answers to those questions.

yahoo! Answers works on a point system. You get as many points for answering questions, and it costs you points to ask questions. It costs more points to ask questions than to answer them, so the system encourages answering questions.

The good thing about Yahoo! Answers is that it allows you to show your expertise on certain topics and also link to your website.

yahoo! Answers have been wavering in the sig files. They allowed them and then they banned them. Now as far as I know they are allowing them again.

You can always put your website on your profile. So if someone is particularly impressed with your answer, they can access your site that way.

That requires an extra click, however. I like to make the path from the link to the site as short as possible, preferably one click. But still, it might be worth doing, especially in some niches.

Some people try to play with Yahoo! answers They do this by opening multiple accounts and asking and answering questions back and forth. The goal is to create buzz around a topic in your niche. Of course, there has to be a link to your website somewhere for this to work.

I’m sure Yahoo! He doesn’t want you to do this, and I think it’s probably unethical, but it’s your decision, not mine. This is not something I do.

I tell you so that your creativity flows.

The true pillar of internet marketing has to be good content. If you have good content, Google will eventually find you. I know of an internet marketer who has a website that has nothing but reviews he wrote for popular internet products. He has probably added a page a week to that site for a period of two years. The only way he monetizes it is through AdSense and selling affiliate products (the stuff he recommends). Make a couple thousand a year on it!

That is an example of good content gaining, albeit slowly.

If you want to get your site up and running with good traffic faster, you don’t have to resort to tampering to do it. There are many clear techniques that you can use.

yahoo! Answers, used correctly, are a good way to build traffic and backlinks, but they won’t be one of your main sources of traffic.

If you’re ready to get real traffic to your site, then you need to start learning some real power techniques. (Make sure you have good content first though!)

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