6 dangers of populist leadership!

We have always witnessed and experienced some degree of populist leadership. However, today we see a somewhat dangerous degree of populism that often includes the use of empty rhetoric and promises, instead of seriously considering the best way forward to improve and protect our future, while addressing the challenges that lie ahead. present to us, in – present! Although it may be human nature to try to blame others and then complain about the results, in doing so populism only works because voters are often manipulated by being told what they want to hear, rather than what they want. they need to know and consider. Wouldn’t we be better off when someone, we chose, was up for whatever challenge came their way? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 6 dangers of populist leadership.

1. We need to be told what we need to know, rather than just what we want to hear: Wake up, America, and demand that your public leaders avoid making empty promises and using populist rhetoric, when we need quality, realistic, relevant, prepared and sustainable leadership! Now, perhaps, more than ever before, in recent memory, unless/until our public officials look at the big picture, understand relevant and sustainable needs and priorities, we face a potentially dangerous future!

2. Polarize, instead of unify: President Trump often seems to use polarizing rhetoric, when we would benefit if his efforts were focused on uniting us, for the greater good! Few of us, remember, the level of polarization, in recent memory, that we are experiencing today!

3. No meeting – of – the – minds: Partisan politics has always existed and always will exist, but, as the level and extreme nature of it has created, an apparent unwillingness to seek a meeting of the minds, for the greater good, our nation, the planet, and our citizens, suffer!

4. Too much partisanship: In the past, elected officials have disagreed, but many have been willing to reach out, across the aisle, to do whatever it takes – for the American people! The current level of extremism and extreme partisanship rarely serves the best interests of society at large!

5. Dangerous, antagonistic, rhetorical: Although it may be politically advantageous for President Trump to use rhetoric, doing so, in the long run, is potentially dangerous, because it is antagonistic and polarizing, when we generally benefit each other, when uniting America for the greater good!

6. Empty promises: If you fool me once, shame on me. Fool me again, shame on you! Wake up, America, and demand facts, instead of empty promises!

We can ignore the challenges of the present and/or try to make excuses or denials, but America only benefits when its leaders prioritize, look at the big picture, and create the best viable solutions. ! Will you demand more and better from politicians in the future, before it is too late?

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