5 Facts About Melanoma You Should Know

It is widely known that melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer. However, people are not yet familiar with the important facts about this condition. At the same time, this information is extremely valuable and can help save lives. Learn more now so you can start taking better protection measures without delay.

It is one of the most common types of cancer in young people.

Melanoma typically ranks first or second on national lists of the most widespread cancers in the 15-39 age group. It is also among the deadliest types that affect young people. With this in mind, both young and old should take appropriate preventive measures, including regular checkups for moles.

Frequent use of tanning beds increases the risk of melanoma.

Regular use of tanning beds, usually more than 10 times a year, can increase the risk of developing this type of skin cancer by up to 74%. This is because the ultraviolet radiation produced by these facilities penetrates the skin much more deeply compared to the rates of the sun. As a result, it causes further damage to skin cells. Your best option is to stay away from loungers.

Clothing does not offer complete protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which damage skin cells.

It is true that clothing made from light, tightly woven fabrics in light colors provides some protection, but it is not complete. That’s why your best bet is to look for the shade between 11 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. If this is not always possible, you should apply sunscreen even on the areas of the skin that are covered by clothing. Just let the cream or lotion absorb completely before putting on your clothes.

Cancerous growths can appear anywhere on the skin.

It is a big mistake to think that melanoma can develop only in the parts of the body that are most exposed to solar radiation. Cancerous growths can appear on the inner thighs, buttocks, genitals, and soles of the feet, but are usually found on the back and front of the legs. When you do a self-exam, you need to monitor every inch of your body.

Malignant growths look like very common moles.

This is the main reason why they can go unnoticed for quite some time. You should keep a close eye on your skin and any new growth, especially if it develops quickly. You should also get frequent mole checks done by a dermatologist.

Take all necessary steps to reduce your risk of melanoma.

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