How and Why to Improve Your Relevance Score on Facebook

If your business is on social media (and it should be!), It’s important to know your Facebook Relevance Score and how to improve it.

Relevance score is a metric that shows how well your Facebook ads resonate with your target audience on a scale of 1 to 10. A score of 1 means your ad is less relevant compared to other ads targeting the same audience. , and 10 means your Ad is very relevant.

Your relevance score is very important because a higher score reduces the cost of advertising on Facebook. You want to pay less and reach more people, right?

Are your ads getting a low relevancy score? If so, you need to improve them to save money and reach the right people.

So how do you improve your score?

Know your target audience well and target a specific audience.

Before you can target the right people, you need to know exactly who you want your ads to reach. Research the audience or create buyer personas. This will help you get the demographics, issues and pain points, and customer feedback from the people you want to reach.

Use Facebook Insights to see the demographics that have engaged with your ads. Use this information to create buyer personas and decide who to target. Look for a demographic that is more likely to engage with your posts.

Split test your ads.

Split tests are a good way to improve your relevance score, and they’re straightforward. Split testing involves testing versions of the same ad to see which version works best. Show the same ad to two different audiences to see which one responds well. Or you can show two different ads to the same audience and see which one works best for your target audience.

Choose the best performing ad. However, after a while, your ad’s relevance score may drop as the audience gets tired of seeing the same ad. When this happens, update your ad. Swap the image or run another round of split testing and see what resonates well with your target audience.

Use relevant, high-quality ad text and images.

This is self explanatory. You will get more clicks, likes and shares if your ad is well designed. Use images relevant to your business and what your ad is trying to accomplish. Also, be sure to use high-quality images. Blurry photos won’t improve your relevance score! Also, use clear and concise text.

Make sure all your calls to action are easy to understand. Let your audience know what they are supposed to do.

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