A guide on how to play backgammon

With regard to those interested in learning to play Backgammon, a simple knowledge of the backgammon board and the standard guidelines is mandatory. Backgammon is a board game for two players, containing 24 named triangular dots. The points are divided equally on both sides of the table. The color between the dots alternates and they are numbered for each player. The panel is separated into four quadrants, allowing what is known as the outer board and the inner board for each player. Tea " divide" It is placed in the middle of the starter boards and the outer boards. The count begins with the outermost point of each competitor’s home board, starting at one point and ending at 24 points, the opponent’s home board.

At the beginning of the game, the players have fifteen pieces of their particular color that are arranged at the beginning as explained here: five pieces in point 6, three pieces in triangle 8, 5 pieces in point 13 and a pair of pieces in Point 24 Each player is brought a set of dice with vibrating cups, and a single cube to double, demonstrating the bet, is also available on the table.

The objective of Backgammon is for each participant to bring all of their pieces to their own inner board and then proceed in what is called "carry off", where the panel pieces are removed. The most outstanding participant to complete the extraction of the tiles wins the game. At the beginning, each player rolls a single die to determine which player has the first move. Then both dice are rolled, setting the number of pips a player must move one or two of the chips. For example, if one player rolls one die as three and the other as four, one piece can move 7 points, or two pieces can move 3 pips and 4 steps, respectively, since each die counts as a different move. However, a concealer can only be moved to an open space. An open spot is a triangle that is occupied by at most one of the opponent’s pieces. The checkers move from point 24 to point 1 on each player’s starting board.

A pip that has only one token is called "stain". If a spot is filled with an opponent’s token, it is counted "paste." The corrector of the player who made the spot work is forced to go up to the bar. To reintroduce hit tokens into play, the roll of a die specifies where on the opponent’s starting board the token will be returned. Before the player changes any other pieces, the tiles in the partition must re-enter the game.

When a participant has all his pieces on his home board, he must start removing them, which means removing them. Players remove the tiles based on the values ​​presented on the dice. If the numerical value of a rolled die is greater than or identical to a point consisting of a tile, that tile can be removed. Once a player has removed all the pieces, that competitor has won the game of backgammon.

These are the fundamental rules and the process on how to play Backgammon. Depending on how the game is chosen to be played, the doubling cube can be used to determine an agreed bet per point. There are also more complex and detailed rules that involve hitting blots and entering checkers, the legality of certain moves, loss of turns, and irregularities that can occur during play.

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