5 tips for super macro photography

Let’s take the basics of what makes great macro photography. Super macro refers to photography of subjects in a ratio of more than 1:1. Normal macro is when we shoot with a magnification ratio of 1:1, ie 1mm of the subject is produced on the sensor as 1mm. Now super macro photography is when we represent 1mm on the subject as more than 1mm on the sensor.

What does super macro photography do?

The photographs become so detailed that you can compare them to looking at an object through a microscope. These photographs have vivid details of the world in miniature. Commercially they are required for textbooks, magazines, etc. They are also used in advertisements and promotional materials. Most importantly, it allows the photographer to capture a world that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

How is it done?

There are mainly four ways that photographers achieve this type of photography.

super macro lens

The easiest and best results are to use a macro lens that provides more than 1:1, a good example would be the Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8. This lens allows you to take macros up to 5:1. The lens mentioned above is a manual focus lens and costs almost $900. A more advanced lens costs even more.

Diopters in normal macro lens

Another easier method is to use diopters or close-up filters on a 1:1 macro lens. This will allow you to get closer and thus get a higher magnification. The results won’t be as impressive, but it’s definitely cheaper than buying a lens. This option also reduces the amount of equipment needed to carry. The increase achieved is limited.


This is done by preferably reversing a wide angle lens versus a longer lens. This produces better results than diopters and is comparable to the dedicated lens, but sometimes results in reduced functionality like no autofocus etc. This method can produce a very high magnification. There will be vignetting issues in some combinations.


This involves loading the lens at a bottom or using an extension tube. Gussets allow variable fit but limit mobility. The bellows reduce the amount of light available as the length increases. This is a less preferred method, but some photographers working in studios prefer this method as they can control the lighting and don’t need mobility.

Now to the 5 tips:-

1. DOF: – Super macro means super importance for DOF, this means you will have to make a really hard decision on where to focus. The fact that most of these settings reduce total light will make it more difficult to work at higher f-stops. One method would be to take multiple images with different areas in focus and combine them to get the desired image.

2. Lighting – Most of the above settings will reduce the total light available, so artificial lighting is very important in super macro photography. Use external flashes, it will be convenient to use a ring flash. If there is more light to work with, the image can be captured much better. This means that investing in a good lighting fixture will be worth every penny.

3. Stability: The high amount of magnification means you’ll need very high stability, which means you’ll need a very stable tripod for one. Settings are very sensitive due to the high magnification, so you will benefit from using a remote shutter release. Another feature that you will benefit from would be live view to increase stability.

4. Subject: – Live insects will not make a good super macro subject simply because they keep moving. Good subjects would be dead bugs and other similar subjects that won’t move. Flowers and their interiors are also very interesting topics. Small stones, branches, etc. They also have a lot of history to tell. Remember that the possibilities in the world of miniatures are limitless, there are so many things that we can capture, but as we mentioned before, lighting is very important.

5. Perspective: As in any type of photography, perspective is also important in super macros. The angle of the frame all counts. When working at high magnifications, it can be a very precise maneuver that corrects it or makes it all wrong.

The possibilities are limitless, so keep these tips in mind and start experimenting.
Some samples of what can be done:-

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