3 NLP ways to help with dyslexia

here are 3 a woman in Australia had asked me. I hope my answers help you.

1. What is dyslexia? Is it a learning disability when someone has trouble reading and writing?

The word dyslexia It comes from Latin and means difficulty with language. People think – because it has been instilled in them since time immemorial – that it is an apprenticeship disabilitybut it’s just a Learned behavior – which people try have a disabilitythat the brain acquires at some young stage when it gets confused with something. Dyslexia can manifest itself in many ways:

difficulty with reading

reading speed is slow

reading comprehension is non-existent [=the reader forgets what s/he read once s/he closes the book]

writing is impossible, slow or ugly

inability or poor ability to spell

and many other things: each person’s dyslexia is different, so we would learn by asking each person.

2. There are actors who are dyslexic. Don’t they need to memorize lots of lines?

The actors are mainly auditory, so memorizing lines is not a problem, because they do it by sound. As long as dyslexics don’t have to go anywhere near the printed word, they will memorize any line! I said first of all auditory. But that doesn’t mean all the actors are only auditory. Those who are primarily visual will memorize lines by methods like loci whereby they memorize contexts by making the objects in their environment their memory anchors for things and then looking at those objects in the order they need to memorize the things corresponding to the objects. . So the appropriate lines will come when the actors look at the object that anchors those lines for them. Also, because they have been memorizing lines daily for years, they have trained their brains and their memory will be excellent!

3. Why do people with dyslexia have to wear blue and green glasses?

A person is officially “diagnosed” with dyslexia when looking at a page full of words and the words move. Tinted windows are supposed to stop this movement. They will stop it up to a point, but they will never fully bring a person out of dyslexia, because if the person’s brain produces word movement, it doesn’t matter if he sees the page through green, blue, or rose-colored glasses. the words will keep moving, because the movement is a product of the brain = from within the person.

And now something this woman didn’t ask: how can we prevent dyslexia?

In many cases dyslexia occurs when children first come into contact with words. The reason for this is that up to the age when a child begins to read and write, everything in the child’s world is three-dimensional. Words are the first things in two dimensions and this can confuse the brain. Because people with dyslexia are incredibly visual, they work very hard to recreate the 3D effect with words, turning them over and over in all directions in their imaginations. This causes letters or whole words to move across the page and it’s no wonder they have nightmares about getting close to, reading or writing words.

other common reason for dyslexia it is this: if a child has a parent or sets of parents who have dyslexia, the child will naturally take this as the norm “if mommy and daddy do it this way, this is the way to do it [and how I will do it]”. So the child will be copying the parent’s behaviors without knowing why, because a child’s reasoning has not yet developed.

Therefore: It teaches children from an early age to see words as images in their imaginations, because that’s the way people without dyslexia do. Ask a good speller to spell a word and he’ll see it in his mind as a still image. [=not moving] first the picture, then the picture of that word will give you a “right” feeling, and finally you will spell it out loud. People with dyslexia do not SEE the word, but rather try to pronounce each letter or feel how the word should be spelled, i.e. “hmmm, this feels/doesn’t feel right!” This is unreliable, because sounds and feelings take time to produce. But when you see an image, you see a lot of information in front of you in a fraction of a second, and the same goes for remembering something like an image.

tell stories to children and encourages them to visualize [imagine] the content of the stories. Then ask them questions about where, when, what, how, why, and who was in the story and what things and people looked like. That’s how you’ll be teaching reading comprehension, and that’s how they’ll remember what they read long after they’ve closed the book! And moving words won’t be a problem.

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