3 creative ideas for the girls’ bedroom

If you are planning to redecorate your daughter’s bedroom and you are not sure what to do, you should read this article. We are going to see three creative ideas for the girls’ bedroom.

How to decorate the bedroom will depend in part on your daughter’s age and what she likes. Not all girls are the same, so you should definitely get her opinion and let her help you decide what to do. It can still be a surprise if that’s your plan, just ask questions when the opportunity arises to see what she wants.

Let’s look at three popular themes for girls…

princess bedroom

What girl has not dreamed of being a princess? It is an almost universal theme for girls, especially between the ages of 4 and 8. Whether it’s the Disney Princesses or something a little more traditional, there are plenty of products available for a princess-themed room.

You can easily find wallpaper, borders, decals, lamps, and other accessories to help decorate the room. You can buy lace curtains that hang from the ceiling to enclose the bed as seen in many princess movies. And there are plenty of princess bedding to dress up the bed.

pop star bedroom

By the time girls reach 8 or 9 years old, they often outgrow the princess theme and start thinking more along the lines of the most popular pop star. Right now it would be Hannah Montana, but they tend to change every 3 or 4 years, if not sooner.

This can also be a fun topic, but keep in mind that girls’ tastes in music can be a bit fickle. They may be a huge fan today, but a year from now that pop star could be replaced by someone new.

The best way to handle this type of theme is to finish the room with colors and accessories that suit any singer, and use posters and other decorations that can be easily changed to create the specific theme. That way, you can change those things up when it’s time for a new pop star.

Movie or TV show bedroom

Most of the girls have their favorite movies and TV shows and often want to equip their room with one of them. This is another theme where things can change pretty quickly, so it’s a good idea for paint, borders, wallpaper, etc. to be more generic and then use easy to change signs, stickers and other props to make the theme.

Whatever theme you choose, keep in mind that girls’ tastes will change every few years. Unless you want to completely redecorate every time that happens, try using more permanent paint colors and other accessories that work for any theme.

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